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Showing results for "jabbaar"


oppressor, tyrant, cruel person, wrongful, absolutist, dictator, imperious, oppressing, brutal, brute, despot, transgressor


a tyrant woman


wrong-doing, tyranny, oppression


cruelly, unjustly, oppressively, tyrannical




a destroyer of tyrants or oppressors (applied to a ruler who maintains justice and good order).


a destroyer of tyrants or oppressors (applied to a ruler who maintains justice and good order)

zaalim samaaj

cruel society or individuals, society and people who do injustice, people who hurt, heartless society



destruction or elimination of tyrants or oppressors (applied to a ruler who maintains justice and good order)


very cruel, extremely oppressive

zaalim kaa zor sar par


one who is tough on the inside but soft on the out

zaalim KHudaa se Dar

zaalim KHudaa ko maan

zaalim phuultaa phaltaa nahii.n

zaalim kii bel nahii.n ba.Dhtii

zaalim kii rassii daraaz thii

zaalim sar sabz nahii.n hotaa

zaalim kii rassii daraaz hai

a tyrant has a long life, nemesis is slow, even though sure, to overtake

zaalim kii daad KHudaa ke ghar

zaalim kaa pai.nDaa hii niraalaa hai

zaalim kii daad KHudaa detaa hai

zaalim apnii qabr aap khodtaa hai

zaalim kii chaal hii aur hai

zaalim kii rassii daraaz hotii hai

zaalim kii 'umr kotaah hotii hai

a tyrant is short-lived

zaalim zulm kare , nek baKHt barg bhare

zaalim teraa zulm kab tak rahegaa , kabhii to KHudaa hamaarii bhii sunegaa

zaalimo.n kaa baadshaah

(fig) great tyrant, great oppressor


a vocative used at expressing a state of utter hopelessness, oh! my fate!

peT ba.Daa zaalim hai

hunger is a hard taskmaster

KHudaa zaalim se paalaa na Daale

Meaning ofSee meaning jabbaar in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 221

Tags: Physical Astronomy

English meaning of jabbaar

Noun, Masculine

  • one of the attributive names of God, mighty, omnipotent


  • almighty, omnipotent

Sher Examples

जब्बार के हिंदी अर्थ


  • ज़बरदस्ती करने वाला
  • यातनाएँ देने वाला
  • अत्याचार करने वाला
  • बलवान, शक्तिशाली

جَبّار کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • قوت و شوکت کا مالک، زور آور، قوی، قاہر
  • سرکش، باغی زور آور، زبر دستی کرنے والا
  • (ہیئت) برج جوزا
  • اللہ تعالیٰ کے اسمائے صفات میں سے ایک نام
  • اُون٘چے قد کا آدمی
  • اون٘چا درکت جس پر ہاتھ نہ جاسکے، درخت خرما
  • (ع) صفت۔ ظالم، زبردست، بزرگ، اس معنی میں خدائے تعالےٰ کا نام ہے

Synonyms of jabbaar

Rhyming words of jabbaar

Compound words of jabbaar

Showing search results for: English meaning of jabbar, English meaning of zabbaar

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