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Showing results for "har-che"


whatever, whatsoever, everything

har che ba-zabaan aayad ba-ziyaa.n aayad

har che bar KHare baashad man paalaanam

har cha az dil KHezad bar dil rezad

har cha zuud aayad der na-paayad

har cha dar dil faruud aayad dar diida niko namaayad

har cha az dil duur az diida duur

har cha ba-qaamat kehtar ba-qiimat-e-behtar

har cha dar deg ast dar kafcha mii aayad

har cha guzasht guzasht

har cha dar kaan namak raft namak shud

har cha az Gaib mii rasad nekuust

har cha az dost mii rasad nekuust

har cha giiriid muKHtasar giiriid

har cha marzii-e-uust hama nekuust


har chand jaama tang ast juzv-e-badan na gardad

har chamaktii chiiz sonaa nahii.n hotii

har chiiz ki dar kaan namak raft namak shud

har chiiz daraKHshanda tilaa niist

haar cha.Dhnaa

haar cha.Dhaanaa

har chand ki

though, although, notwithstanding, even, even though

har chahaar taraf

on all four sides


although, as often as, how-so-ever

har ki baa nuuh nashiinad che Gam az tuufaanash

hadd chikalnaa

haa.D chicho.Dnaa

har aa.n cha KHvaastam za-KHudaa mayssaram


Meaning ofSee meaning har-che in English, Hindi & Urdu


हर-चेہَر چہ

Origin: Persian

English meaning of har-che

Sher Examples

हर-चे के हिंदी अर्थ


  • हर चीज़, जो कुछ

ہَر چہ کے اردو معانی

فعل متعلق

  • کوئی چیز، جو کچھ بھی، ہرچیز، جو کچھ

Compound words of har-che

Showing search results for: English meaning of harche

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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