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Showing results for "haathii-pech"


Jerusalem artichoke, a ginger shaped vegetable of potato taste, Helianthus tuberosus


ایک قسم کا سورج مکھی (لاط : Helianthus tuberoses)

saat haath haathii se rahiye paa.nch haath si.nghaa.De se, biis haath naarii se rahiye tiis haath matvaare se

to remain safe, stay seven yards away from an elephant, five yards from a horned bull, twenty yards from a woman and thirty from wine (a proverb emphasising the evils of wine)

chuut.Do.n se haath po.nchh kar baiTh jaanaa

قلاش ہو جانا، ساری رقم خرچ کردینا

paa.nch haath kii zabaan

long-tongued, loquacious, impudent

zabaan paa.nch haath kii honaa

سخت کلامی کی عادت ہونا

Meaning ofSee meaning haathii-pech in English, Hindi & Urdu


हाथी-पेचہاتھی پیچ

Origin: English

English meaning of haathii-pech

Noun, Feminine

  • Jerusalem artichoke, a ginger shaped vegetable of potato taste, Helianthus tuberosus
  • Helianthus tuberoses

हाथी-पेच के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • एक तरकारी जो अदरक की आकृति की होती है और स्वाद आलुओं से मिलता है
  • एक प्रकार का सूरजमुखी

ہاتھی پیچ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • ایک ترکاری جو ادرک کی شکل کی ہوتی ہے اور مزہ آلوؤں سے ملتا ہے
  • ایک قسم کا سورج مکھی

Urdu meaning of haathii-pech

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ek tarkaarii jo adrak kii shakl kii hotii hai aur mazaa aaluu.o.n se miltaa hai
  • ek kism ka suurajmukhii

Related searched words


Jerusalem artichoke, a ginger shaped vegetable of potato taste, Helianthus tuberosus


ایک قسم کا سورج مکھی (لاط : Helianthus tuberoses)

saat haath haathii se rahiye paa.nch haath si.nghaa.De se, biis haath naarii se rahiye tiis haath matvaare se

to remain safe, stay seven yards away from an elephant, five yards from a horned bull, twenty yards from a woman and thirty from wine (a proverb emphasising the evils of wine)

chuut.Do.n se haath po.nchh kar baiTh jaanaa

قلاش ہو جانا، ساری رقم خرچ کردینا

paa.nch haath kii zabaan

long-tongued, loquacious, impudent

zabaan paa.nch haath kii honaa

سخت کلامی کی عادت ہونا

Showing search results for: English meaning of haatheepech, English meaning of haathipech

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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