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Showing results for "haa.nDaa"


cooking pot


Hinda binte Abe Umayya, well known as Umm-e-Salma, married Prophet Mohammad after her husband passed away


a native of India who believes in the Hin. triad


the language of the (Hindi) people of India (it is applied to the various dialects, as well as to the literary language, usually called High Hindi)


earthen or metal pot for cooking meal


let it be, don't stop




a species of grass



haa.nDii cha.Dhnaa

the pot to be put (on the fire)

haa.nDii pho.Dnaa

ha.nDaa pho.Dnaa

disclose a secret, let the cat out of the bag

haa.nDii cha.Daanaa

put pot on a stove

haa.nDii me.n cha.Dhaanaa

hu.nDii kha.Dii rakhnaa

to remit money by a bill of exchange

haa.nDii kaa bhaat chhupe mu.nh kii baat na chhupe

haa.nDii me.n jo ho so vahii Do.ii me.n aave hai

haa.nDii na Do.ii sab pat kho.ii

hunDii vaalaa

exchange merchant

hunDii bhejvaanaa

haa.nDii sard honaa

hindii kii chindii puuchhnaa

haa.nDii me.n jo ho so vahii chamchii me.n aave hai

hindii kii chindii

hair-splitting, explanation of obvious fact

hindii kii chindii tak bayaan karnaa

hindu banaanaa

haa.nDii paknaa

the pot to boil, to talk, to gossip, a plot or plan to be concocted or matured, to break an earthen pot (over the name of anyone, this is done on the departure of an obnoxious individual)

haa.nDii ubalnaa

(of a pot) boil over

hunDii karaanaa

hu.nDii karnaa

send money by draft

ha.nDaa karnaa

hunDii bhejnaa

send bill of exchange

hu.nDii piTnaa

bill to be honoured

hanDaa saa

hunDii bhunaanaa

haa.nDii pakaanaa

cook, stew

haa.nDii chaaTii hai

hanDii kaa uubaal

haa.nDii garm honaa

get free food

haa.nDii chaaTii hogii

haa.nDii garm karnaa

haa.nDii garm karaanaa

haa.nDii garm kar lenaa

haa.nDii kaa ubaal honaa

hunDii par bechii likhnaa

endorse a bill, draft or cheque

haa.nDii chuulhaa sa.nbhaalnaa

hu.nDii kharii karnaa

haa.nDe se Daa.nDaa bhalaa

hindii kii chindii banaanaa

hindii kii chindii karnaa

split hairs, explain the obvious

hindii kii chindii nikaalnaa

split hairs, explain the obvious

hunDii sakaarnaa

honour a draft or bill of exchange

haa.nDii me.n hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

hunDii sakhaarnaa

honour a draft or bill of exchange

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so vahii chamchii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii saajhaa karnaa

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii me.n jo hotaa hai so Do.ii me.n nikaltaa hai

haa.nDii me.n jo hotaa hai so vahii chamchii me.n nikaltaa hai

Meaning ofSee meaning haa.nDaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 22

English meaning of haa.nDaa

Noun, Masculine

  • cooking pot
  • large cooking pot
  • vagrant, wanderer, tramp

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ہانڈا کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • بڑی ہانڈی (مٹی یا دھات کی)، دیگ
  • بڑا لیمپ، بڑی بتّی (ہانڈی معنی نمبر ۳)


  • آوارہ گرد، اِدھراُدھر پھرنے والا، نیز بہت سفر کرنے والا

Showing search results for: English meaning of haandaa, English meaning of handa

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