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Showing results for "e'laam"


announcing, notification, warrant, court's summon, notification, introduction




declaration, communique, notification, press note


sadness, sorrow, gloom


(Scribe) in writing, there is a pause between two sentences or words for which different symbols are assigned







the sign mark of male and feminine


sign of being man, identification of male




mark, sign, token


symbolism, a style of poetry and painting in which gestures and symbols are used instead of presenting objects and ideas in their original forms


(Mathematics) sign of equal (=)


symbolic poetry


(Grammar) ka, ki, ke, ra, ri, re and ne, ni etc. which are used in additional form and zer (---) which are used in Persian mixed words


sign of puberty, signs of being young


badge, insignia, distinctive feature


signs or symbol of being male


line to be drawn above or below the signature





symbolization, a style of poetry and painting in which gestures and symbols are used instead of presenting objects and ideas in their original forms






story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


story told through symbols, symbolic story, a story in which objects, persons, or situations have another meaning other than their obvious meanings


(Library) connection sign, connection symbol (-) which is drawn in the middle to differentiate the name and surname


question mark, sign of interrogation

'alaamat muqarrar karnaa

to stamp



marks, signs, symptoms, symbols




'alaamat lagaanaa

'alaamat barpaa honaa

signs appears


Meaning ofSee meaning e'laam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 221

Word Family: a-l-m

English meaning of e'laam

Noun, Masculine

  • announcing, notification, warrant, court's summon, notification, introduction

ए'लाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ज्ञान कराना, बताना, जताना, नोटिस, अधिपत्र, न्यायालय का सम्मान, गिरफ्तारी का परवाना, संज्ञाएँ, नामावाली।

اِعْلام کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • ۰۱ اعلان ، اطلاع ، جتانا ، آگاہ کرنا .
  • ۰۲ نوٹس ، عدالت وغیرہ کا سمن ، طلبی کا پروانہ .
  • ۰۳ تعارف ( جو کسی موضوع یا شخص سے روشناس کرنے لئے تمہیداً لکھا یا بیان کیا جائے ) .

Compound words of e'laam

Showing search results for: English meaning of elaam, English meaning of elam

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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