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Showing results for "dove"
Urdu words for dove
dove के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ
- फ़ाख़ता
- क़ुमरी
dove کے اردو معانی
- فاختہ
- قُمْری
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King of Dwaraka-a Hindu temple dedicated to the god Krishna, who is worshiped by the name Dwarakadhish, or 'King of Dwaraka'.
dvaar dhanii ke pa.D rahe aur dhake dhanii ke khaa.e
امیر کے در کو نہ چھوڑے چاہے دھکّے ملیں آخر کبھی نہ کبھی فائدہ ہوگا .
suit, claim, assertion, lawsuit, plaint, demand, enunciation, contention, charge, accusation, a right or claim to the ownership of something or to a rank or throne, challenge
suit, claim, assertion, lawsuit, plaint, demand, enunciation, contention, charge, accusation, a right or claim to the ownership of something or to a rank or throne, challenge
suit, claim, assertion, lawsuit, plaint, demand, enunciation, contention, charge, accusation, a right or claim to the ownership of something or to a rank or throne, challenge
(چھپر بندی) لمبا ، موٹا مگر پتلے دَل اور پتلی چھال کا بانس یعنی وہ بانس جس کا دل بہت پتلا ہو ایسا بانس کمزور اور ناقص سمجھا جاتا ہے
consisting of two leaves or pages, small book, Metaphorically: vagina, (woman) private part
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