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Meaning ofSee meaning dastaavez in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of dastaavez
Noun, Feminine
- that which ties or fastens the hands
- what a man takes with him as a means of promoting his suit
- what one gets into his hand and depends on
- a signature
- a note of hand, bond, deed, title-deed, voucher, certificate, instrument, charter
- a small present to be given into the hands of a person whose favour is sought
- instance or example at hand
- (Metaphorically) currency, note
Explanatory Video
Sher Examples
ab hujra-e-sūfī meñ vo faqr nahīñ baaqī
ḳhūn-e-dil-e-sherāñ ho jis faqr kī dastāvez
ab hujra-e-sufi mein wo faqr nahin baqi
KHun-e-dil-e-sheran ho jis faqr ki dastawez
ishq meñ banda mar bhī saktā hai maiñ ne
dil kī dastāvez meñ likhā dekhā hai
ishq mein banda mar bhi sakta hai main ne
dil ki dastawez mein likha dekha hai
maiñ dil meñ chaah kar bhī aur kuchh rakh hī nahīñ paatā
is almārī meñ bas yādoñ ke dastāvez hote haiñ
main dil mein chah kar bhi aur kuchh rakh hi nahin pata
is almari mein bas yaadon ke dastawez hote hain
दस्तावेज़ के हिंदी अर्थ
संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग
- (क़ानून) वह कागज़ जिस पर दो या अधिक व्यक्तियों के पारस्परिक लेन-देन, व्यवहार समझौते आदि की शर्ते लिखी हों और जिस पर संबद्ध लोगों के हस्ताक्षर प्रमाण स्वरूप अंकित हों, डीड, जैसे: तहरीर, दानपत्र, रेहन-नामा आदि
- व्यवस्थापत्र, लेखपत्र, साधनपत्र, तमस्सुक, क़िबाला, सबूत, सनद, निशानी, अलामत, मजाज़न: प्रतीकात्मक: करंसी नोट, सरकारी तुमसकात
- कोई आधिकारिक पत्र; व्यवस्था-पत्र; प्रलेख; अभिलेख (डॉक्यूमेंट)
دَسْتاویز کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
اسم، مؤنث
- کوئی اہم تحریر، یاد داشت، اقرار نامہ جو آئندہ حوالے کے لئے مفید ہو
- (قانون) وہ کاغذ جو دو یا کئی شخصوں کے مابین کسی معاملے میں بطور سند لِکھا جائے، تَمَسُک، اِقرا نامہ، راضی نامہ
- ضابطہ، دستور، ہدایت نامہ
- وسیلہ، سہارا
- ثبوت، سند
- نِشانی، علامت
- وہ چیز جو گرفت میں لے لے یا باندھ دے (شاذ)
- (مجازاً) کرنسی نوٹ، سرکاری تَمَسکات
Urdu meaning of dastaavez
- Roman
- Urdu
- ko.ii aham tahriir, yaadadaasht, iqraarnaamaa jo aa.indaa havaale ke li.e mufiid ho
- (qaanuun) vo kaaGaz jo do ya ka.ii shakhso.n ke maabain kisii mu.aamle me.n bataur sanad likhaa jaaye, tamsuk, iqraa naama, raazii naama
- zaabtaa, dastuur, hidaayatnaama
- vasiila, sahaara
- sabuut, sanad
- nishaanii, alaamat
- vo chiiz jo girifat me.n le le ya baandh de (shaaz
- (majaazan) karansii noT, sarkaarii tamaskaat
Synonyms of dastaavez
Compound words of dastaavez
Interesting Information on dastaavez
The word ‘Dastaavez’, which means a legal document or certificate, has entered the Urdu language from Persian. It is a combination of two words; ‘dast’ which means hand, and ‘aavez’ which means hanging. Thus, ears rings, which ‘hang’ from ears, are known as ‘Aaveze’, and the hanging of portraits on the walls are said to be ‘Aavezaa.n’. Maybe legal documents were once kept hanging in a bag, eventually giving way to the word ‘Dastavez’? Well, who knows; all that is known is that this word finds its place in the treasure of Urdu poetry; a couplet by Meer Anees’s grandson Rashid Lakhnavi: kaaT ke sar meraa tum ne haath me.n laTkaa diyaa dekho ye merii vafaadaarii kii dastaavez hai
Author: Azra Naqvi
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Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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