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Showing results for "dam Gniimat hai"

dam Gniimat hai

(his or her) existence is blessing enough (said of someone who is better than others and is a hope in an otherwise bad situation)

jo dam guzre Ganiimat hai

زندگی جس قدر ہے غنیمت ہے، وقت کی قدر کرنی چاہیے

Meaning ofSee meaning dam Gniimat hai in English, Hindi & Urdu

dam Gniimat hai

दम ग़नीमत हैدم غنیمت ہے


Root word: dam

English meaning of dam Gniimat hai

  • (his or her) existence is blessing enough (said of someone who is better than others and is a hope in an otherwise bad situation)

दम ग़नीमत है के हिंदी अर्थ

  • ऐसे व्यक्ति या वस्तु के लिए बोलते हैं जो अपने वातावरण और ज़माने में जैसी भी हो औरों के अनुपात में थोड़ा योग्य हों, बेहतर है, सम्मान के योग्य है

دم غنیمت ہے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • ایسے شخض یا شے کے لیے بولتے ہیں جو اپنے ماحول اور زمانے میں جیسی بھی ہو اوروں کی بہ نسبت قدر کے لا ئق ہو، بہتر ہے، قابل قدر ہے

Urdu meaning of dam Gniimat hai

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • a.ise shaKhaz ya shaiy ke li.e bolte hai.n jo apne maahaul aur zamaane me.n jaisii bhii ho auro.n kii banisbat qadar ke laayaq ho, behtar hai, kaabil-e-qadar hai

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dam Gniimat hai

(his or her) existence is blessing enough (said of someone who is better than others and is a hope in an otherwise bad situation)

jo dam guzre Ganiimat hai

زندگی جس قدر ہے غنیمت ہے، وقت کی قدر کرنی چاہیے

Showing search results for: English meaning of dam ghnimat hai, English meaning of dam gneemat hai

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dam Gniimat hai

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