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Showing results for "butaan-e-'ajam"


all other people except the Arabs, non-Arabian land, especially Persia


اورای (آزادی ترک) زبان کا اڑتیس حروف پر مشتمل ایک سادہ عربی الفبا .


non-Arab, foreign, alien


عجمی پن ، عجمی ہونا ، عجمی ہونے کی کیفیت یا حالت ، ایرانی یا غیر عربی مزاج و انداز .


in the middle of the seventeenth century, when the Awari language of the northern part of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan, began to be written in Arabic letters, it was called Ajam-i-Qadim


وہ تصوف جس میں یونانی اور ایرانی فلسفے کی آمیزش کی گئی ہو، غیر اسلامی تصوف


ایرانی نژاد ، اصلاً عجم سے تعلق رکھنے والا .


وہ اسم جو عربی کے سوا کسی اور زبان کا ’’ اسم علم ‘‘ نہ ہو ، غیر عربی .


dumb woman


a short title of Shahrbanu the grand-daughter of Nausherwan (Persian king famous for his justice) who was the wife of Imam Husain (it is used in elegy as allusion)


land of barbarians-not Arab, land where the mother tongue is not Arabic, an area outside of Arab


non-Arab idols


Persian or non-Arab celebrities


non-Arabic grandees


the second part of Rahavi's composition which is based on six Raginee


style of the non-Arabic purists


ruler of Syria and Iran or non-Arab country

Meaning ofSee meaning butaan-e-'ajam in English, Hindi & Urdu


बुतान-ए-'अजमبُتانِ عَجَم

Vazn : 12212

English meaning of butaan-e-'ajam

  • non-Arab idols

Urdu meaning of butaan-e-'ajam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

Related searched words


all other people except the Arabs, non-Arabian land, especially Persia


اورای (آزادی ترک) زبان کا اڑتیس حروف پر مشتمل ایک سادہ عربی الفبا .


non-Arab, foreign, alien


عجمی پن ، عجمی ہونا ، عجمی ہونے کی کیفیت یا حالت ، ایرانی یا غیر عربی مزاج و انداز .


in the middle of the seventeenth century, when the Awari language of the northern part of the Soviet Union, Azerbaijan, began to be written in Arabic letters, it was called Ajam-i-Qadim


وہ تصوف جس میں یونانی اور ایرانی فلسفے کی آمیزش کی گئی ہو، غیر اسلامی تصوف


ایرانی نژاد ، اصلاً عجم سے تعلق رکھنے والا .


وہ اسم جو عربی کے سوا کسی اور زبان کا ’’ اسم علم ‘‘ نہ ہو ، غیر عربی .


dumb woman


a short title of Shahrbanu the grand-daughter of Nausherwan (Persian king famous for his justice) who was the wife of Imam Husain (it is used in elegy as allusion)


land of barbarians-not Arab, land where the mother tongue is not Arabic, an area outside of Arab


non-Arab idols


Persian or non-Arab celebrities


non-Arabic grandees


the second part of Rahavi's composition which is based on six Raginee


style of the non-Arabic purists


ruler of Syria and Iran or non-Arab country

Showing search results for: English meaning of butaaneajam, English meaning of butaaneazam

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