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bajaa laanaa

perform, execute, comply with, obey

baazii lenaa

baazii laanaa

irshaad bajaa laanaa

obey an order, carry out the instruction

du'aa bajaa laanaa

taa'ziim bajaa laanaa

taa'ziya bajaa laanaa

aadaab bajaa laanaa

haq bajaa laanaa

KHidmat bajaa laanaa

Gariibii bajaa laanaa

namaaz bajaa laanaa

shukr bajaa laanaa

kornish bajaa laanaa

to salute, to pay respect

mulaazamat bajaa laanaa

shart bajaa laanaa

shukraana bajaa laanaa

bandagii bajaa laanaa

farmaan bajaa laanaa

mujraa bajaa laanaa

naukarii bajaa laanaa

haj bajaa laanaa

hukm bajaa laanaa

execute or carry out an order

tasliimaat bajaa laanaa

rasm bajaa laanaa

tasliim bajaa laanaa

to greet, to offer salutation

mujraa bajaa laanaa

kahnaa bajaa laanaa

to obey order, obedience, to complete the talk

jaan fishaanii bajaa laanaa

shart-e-KHidmat bajaa laanaa

sajda-e-shukr bajaa laanaa

dam.Dii kaa bartan Thok bajaa kar lenaa

baazuu vaapas lenaa

Meaning ofSee meaning bajaa laanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

bajaa laanaa

बजा लानाبجا لانا


Root word: bajaa

English meaning of bajaa laanaa

  • perform, execute, comply with, obey

बजा लाना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • (किसी आदेश आदि) का पालन करना, अंजाम देना
  • अदा करना

بجا لانا کے اردو معانی

  • ( کسی حکم وغیرہ کی ) تعمیل کرنا، انجام دینا
  • ادا کرنا

Rhyming words of bajaa laanaa

Interesting Information on bajaa laanaa

In Urdu, there are certain words that appear to be the same but are entirely different in their meaning. For instance, the word ‘Bajaa.e’. With respect to music, it can mean to be an instrument being played, but in some other context, the same sounding word can mean differently, like in the following couplet: Bajaae Siine ke aankhon mein dil dhaDakta hai Ye intizar ke lanhe ajiib hote hain This ‘Ba-jaa-e’, is a Persian compound meaning ‘in place of’, or ‘instead of’. The ‘Jaa’ in this construction actually means place (Jagah), and related to the same word is the phrase ‘Ba-jaa’, meaning correct, or, appropriate. ye ehtimaam-e-charaaGaa.n bajaa sahii lekin sahar to ho nahii.n saktii diye jalaane se Additionally, Ba-Jaa is also used in the sense of executing or carrying out, thus,’Ba-Jaa laana’ is said for a command (Hukm) to be carried out. Like in the famous folklore ‘Aladin Ka Charagh’, when Aladin rubs his lamp and a Jinn appears to take the orders of his master, the Jinn ‘Hukm Ba-jaa Laata Hai’, or executes the order of his lord. Also, in courts and gatherings, when an etiquette or protocol is carried out, the expression ‘Adaab Ba-Jaa Laana’ is used for it.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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