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Showing results for "'azaa"


condolence, mourning (for Imam Hussain's martyrdom at Karbala)


divine punishment for sins, punishment, chastisement


suffering, pain, gripe, the sorrowing thing, painful thing, Such a thing or act from which (itself or others) to suffer, a thing or action that hurts (oneself or another)





mourning rituals

'azaa karnaa



house of condolence, or of mourning


from, thence, therefore


the muslim's call to prayer


determinations, aims



when, suddenly

'azaab se


devil, satan, rebellious angle, fallen angle, evil spirit


punishment for sins that one suffers in grave

'azaab denaa

punish, torment, torture




punishment for sins that one suffers in grave

'azaab aanaa


suffering that the deceased undergoes as in turn for his sins in the grave

'azaab honaa

'azaab lenaa

'azaab pa.Dnaa


suffering that a person undergoes near the hour of death



(Figurative) punishment of hell

'azaab ban.naa

'azaab laanaa


extreme torture


'azaab rahnaa


good and bad


'azaab karnaa


punishment for sins that one suffers in grave

'azaab dekhnaa


'azaab sahnaa

'azaab kaTnaa


The torture that results from the pressing of the grave


pain of vagrancy, nomadic existence



one who gives annoyance, torturer, painful


'azaab TuuTnaa


Divine punishment

'azaab utarnaa

'azaab jhelnaa

'azaab me.n pa.Dnaa

'azaab me.n aanaa


he punishment of hell-fire

'azaab ba.Daa honaa

'azaab TuuT pa.Dnaa

'azaab lagaanaa

'azaab kamaanaa

'azaab khii.nchnaa

'azaab me.n honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'azaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12

English meaning of 'azaa

Noun, Feminine

Sher Examples

'अज़ा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • मृत्युशोक, सोग, मातम, मातमपुर्सी (कर्बला में इमाम हुसैन की शहादत )
  • मुसीबत में सब्र करना, देवी आपत्ति पर धैर्य और उस पर दृढ़ता (विरल)

عَزا کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • سوگ، ماتم، ماتم پرسی (کربلا میں امام حسین کی شہادت پر)
  • مصیبت میں صبر کرنا، استقامت سے کام لینا (شاذ)

Synonyms of 'azaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of aja, English meaning of ajaa

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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