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Showing results for "ayyaam-e-tashriiq"


a variant name of Eid-ul-Adha, festival observed on the tenth of Zilhaj (ذوالحج)

'iid baqra'iid, shabraat kaTnii, dariyaa kare haay-haay phagvaa bisanii

there is a satire on Muslims that occasions of Eid, Bakra id and Shab-Barat call the prostitutes and they mourn in Muharram

julaahe kii tarah 'iid bakar-'iid ko paan khaa lete hai.n

کبھی کبھی انہیں اچھی چیزیں نصیب ہوتی ہیں مطلب یہ ہے کہ بہت غریب ہیں


feast held in commemoration of Abraham's offering to sacrifice his son Ismail


a variant name of Eid-ul-Adha, festival observed observed by Muslims on the tenth of Zilhaj (ذوالحج)

Meaning ofSee meaning ayyaam-e-tashriiq in English, Hindi & Urdu


अय्याम-ए-तशरीक़ایّامِ تَشْریق

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 222221

Tags: Islamic Studies

English meaning of ayyaam-e-tashriiq

Noun, Masculine

  • the three days after the sacrifice at Mina during Hajj, the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth days of Zil-hajjah month

अय्याम-ए-तशरीक़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ईदुज़्ज़ुहा (बक़रईद) के बाद के तीन दिन, ज़िल-हिज्जा की ग्यारहवीं, बारहवीं और तेरहवीं तारीख़ तक सारे दिन क़ुरबानी के दिन हैं

    उदाहरण उनमें दो गिरोह हो गए थे एक कहता था कि जो लोग अय्याम-ए-तशरीक़ ही में वापस आते हैं वह गुनहगार हैं

ایّامِ تَشْریق کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • عید الضحیٰ کے بعد کے تین دن، ذی الحجہ کی گیارھویں بارھویں اور تیرہویں تاریخ، سارے ایام تشریق ذبح کے دن ہیں

    مثال ان میں دو گروہ ہوگئے تھے ایک کہتا تھا کہ جو لوگ ایام تشریق ہی میں واپس آتے ہیں وہ گنہگار ہیں

Urdu meaning of ayyaam-e-tashriiq

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • alazhaa ke baad ke tiin din, zii alahjaa kii gyaarve.n baarahvii.n aur terahvii.n taariiKh, saare ayyaam tashriiq zabah ke din hai.n

Synonyms of ayyaam-e-tashriiq

Related searched words


a variant name of Eid-ul-Adha, festival observed on the tenth of Zilhaj (ذوالحج)

'iid baqra'iid, shabraat kaTnii, dariyaa kare haay-haay phagvaa bisanii

there is a satire on Muslims that occasions of Eid, Bakra id and Shab-Barat call the prostitutes and they mourn in Muharram

julaahe kii tarah 'iid bakar-'iid ko paan khaa lete hai.n

کبھی کبھی انہیں اچھی چیزیں نصیب ہوتی ہیں مطلب یہ ہے کہ بہت غریب ہیں


feast held in commemoration of Abraham's offering to sacrifice his son Ismail


a variant name of Eid-ul-Adha, festival observed observed by Muslims on the tenth of Zilhaj (ذوالحج)

Showing search results for: English meaning of ayyaametashreeq, English meaning of ayyaametashrik

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