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Showing results for "aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa"

aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa

to sit on the hams, to squat on the ground like a Jogi, to sit in close contact (with, literally 'thigh to thigh), sit in close contact with another person

aasan jo.Dnaa

firmly grip with thighs, sit firmly

aasan se aasan milaanaa

sit in close contact with another person

aasan se aasan milaa kar baiThnaa

to sit on the hams, to sit in close contact (with, literally 'thigh to thigh)

Meaning ofSee meaning aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa

आसन से आसन जोड़नाآسَن سے آسَن جوڑنا


Tags: Yoga Religious

English meaning of aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa

  • to sit on the hams, to squat on the ground like a Jogi, to sit in close contact (with, literally 'thigh to thigh), sit in close contact with another person
  • being engaged in worship

आसन से आसन जोड़ना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • आलती-पालती मार कर बैठना, जाँघ से जाँघ मिलाकर बैठना, दोनों घुटनों हो कर बैठना
  • पूजापाठ में व्यस्त होना

آسَن سے آسَن جوڑنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • زانو سے زانو ملا کر بیٹھنا، رانوں كے بل بیٹھنا، آلتی پالتی ماركر بیٹھنا، ران سے ران ملا كر بیٹھنا، دوزانو یا چار زانو ہوكر بیٹھنا

    مثال دونوں جوگی كیا آسن سے آسن جوڑ كر بیٹھے ہیں۔

  • پوجا پاٹ میں مشغول ہونا، عبادت میں مشغول ہونا

Urdu meaning of aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • zaanuu se zaanuu mila kar baiThnaa, raano.n ke bil baiThnaa, aaltii paaltii maarkar baiThnaa, raan se raan mila kar baiThnaa, dozaanuu ya chaar zaanuu hokar baiThnaa
  • puujaapaaT me.n mashGuul honaa, ibaadat me.n mashGuul honaa

Related searched words

aasan se aasan jo.Dnaa

to sit on the hams, to squat on the ground like a Jogi, to sit in close contact (with, literally 'thigh to thigh), sit in close contact with another person

aasan jo.Dnaa

firmly grip with thighs, sit firmly

aasan se aasan milaanaa

sit in close contact with another person

aasan se aasan milaa kar baiThnaa

to sit on the hams, to sit in close contact (with, literally 'thigh to thigh)

Showing search results for: English meaning of aasan se aasan jodnaa, English meaning of aasan se aasan jornaa

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