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Showing results for "aab-e-ravaa.n"


sweat, perspiration, exuded moisture


sweating, toil and sweat


sweat of shame


related to 'araq, extracted


to respire, to sweet


a liquor extracted from the flower of the jujube tree


full of perspiration, sweat, essence, the root (of anything)


perspiration of shame of sinning


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion, severe application


the sweating which comes out at the time of last breathing


rose water


(Medicine) different kind of juice


sweat of repentance


perspiration of rose-faced

'araq-e-sharm me.n Duubnaa

to be ashamed


sweating, toil and sweat, hard labour or exertion


insomnia, sleeplessness


covered with sweat, sweaty, ashamed


kev.De kaa 'araq

gulaab kaa 'araq kaa 'araq

anise water, extract of aniseed


perspiring brow

sharm se 'araq aa jaanaa

sharmo.n 'araq me.n Garq honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning aab-e-ravaa.n in English, Hindi & Urdu


आब-ए-रवाँآبِ رَواں

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 2212

Tags: Sufism

English meaning of aab-e-ravaa.n

Noun, Masculine

  • flowing water, running water
  • a very nice and fine cloth, a very fine muslin

Sher Examples

आब-ए-रवाँ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • बहता हुआ पानी, प्रवाहित जल, जारी पानी
  • एक बहुत ही अच्छा और बारीक कपड़ा, उत्तम प्रकार का बारीक मलमल
  • (सूफ़ीवाद) दिल के ख़ुशी पाने की अवस्था

آبِ رَواں کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • بہتا پانی، آب جاری
  • ایک نہایت اچھا اور باریک کپڑا، عمدہ قسم کی باریک ململ
  • (تصوف) دل کے فرحت پانے کی کیفیت

Antonyms of aab-e-ravaa.n

Interesting Information on aab-e-ravaa.n

‘Aab-e-Ravaa.n’ literally means flowing water, but it is also the name of a finely woven cotton cloth. It was the finest muslin of its time and was exported from India by European trading companies, and it was known among the British as Abaron. Urdu classical poetry abounds in the mention of Dupattas and apparels made of Aab-e-Ravaa.n. In the following couplet by Nazir Akbarabadi, a string of tears finds a novel resemblance with an apparel made out of Aab-e-ravaa.n: ashko.n ke tasalsul ne chhupaayaa tan-e-uryaa.n ye ‘aab-e-ravaa.n’ kaa hai nayaa pairahan apnaa The proverb, “Aab-e-Ravaa.n Mei.n gaaDHe ka paivand”, is also closely related, it means to graft inappropriate stiches or absurd combinations. ‘gaaDHaa’ is the name of a cloth that’s thick and rough.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Showing search results for: English meaning of aaberavaan, English meaning of aaberawaan

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