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Showing results for "jo.Dnaa"


join, unite, connect, bind, tie attach, patch, cement, solder, put together, stitch together


join, be joined, unite

jo.Dnaa jaa.Dnaa

save, scrape together, collect (in small amounts)

jo.Dnaa baTornaa

scrape together, accumulate, pile up



stick on, affix, strike, lay on (a blow), stud, set (jewels)




to join, add, attach

jaa denaa

jii denaa

love ardently, be dying (for)





fit or deserving to be beaten stricken or killed


fit to be born

jii u.Dnaa

zid aanaa

to be or become possessed of a spirit of opposition, to be persistent, to insist (on), to be or become obstinate

jo.D aanaa

jii uu.Dnaa


paa.nv jo.Dnaa

to.Dnaa jo.Dnaa

plus-minus, constant changes, additions and subtractions

jo.D jo.Dnaa

paa.nv jo.Dnaa

she'r jo.Dnaa

compose verse

mu.nh jo.Dnaa

whisper, backbite

mu.nh jo.Dnaa

to join face (to face),' to draw close together and whisper, to talk scandal in an under-tone

fiqre jo.Dnaa

vitte jo.Dnaa

fiqra jo.Dnaa

qissa jo.Dnaa

dil jo.Dnaa

nazar jo.Dnaa

raqam jo.Dnaa

dhaage jo.Dnaa

kuvaa jo.Dnaa

dhan jo.Dnaa

parvar jo.Dnaa

vaslii jo.Dnaa

to add a new aspect to a matter

baataa.n jo.Dnaa

gaa.nTh jo.Dnaa

tie the nuptial knot, get married jo.Dnaa

bring or get all kinsfolk together

rishta jo.Dnaa

nishaana jo.Dnaa

kunde jo.Dnaa

tote jo.Dnaa


haath jo.Dnaa

entreat, implore, beg or crave pardon, seek favour

mohabbat jo.Dnaa

establish a love relationship

harf jo.Dnaa

tuufaan jo.Dnaa

iftiraa jo.Dnaa

chaTThe jo.Dnaa

maayaa jo.Dnaa

maaya jo.Dnaa

hoard money, amass wealth

kar jo.Dnaa

join one's hands to beg

par jo.Dnaa

baat jo.Dnaa

aag jo.Dnaa

to incite, instigate, stir up an issue

yaarii jo.Dnaa

to form a friendship (with), to form a liaison (with)

tiir jo.Dnaa

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