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दिल का इतमीनान, दिल की शांति, आराम, सहायता, चैन और सुख


ज़िंदगी का दोस्त या साथी, अर्थात: जीवनसंगिनी, पत्नी, भार्या, पति


आपस में सोच विचार एवं सलाह या राय का आदान-प्रदान करना, सलाह, मशवरा, परस्पर सुझाव


(प्रायः कविता में) प्रेमिका, माशूक़, महबूब


कोई काम करने के लिए विशेष रूप से किया जानेवाला प्रयत्न, मेहनत, दौड़ धूप, प्रयत्न, प्रयास, चेष्टा, उद्योग, श्रम, उद्यम, उपाय, परिश्रम


जिसे किसी से कुछ लेने की इच्छा न हो निःस्पृह, स्वच्छंद, आज़ाद, बेपरवाह

दीद के क़ाबिल

देखने के लायक़, देखने योग्य


देखने लायक़, अच्छा दिखने वाला

आठ बार नौ त्योहार

सुख-सुविधा और आराम का शौक़ या लगन ऐसा बढ़ा हुआ है कि युग और समय उसको अल्प व्यय नहीं करने देता


ऐसा बाग़ जहाँ फूल ही फूल हों, ऐसी जगह जहाँ दूर तक फूल ही फूल और हरा भरा नज़र आए, वाटिका, चमन, बाग़


जाया, भार्या, पत्नी, जोरू


शैतान, अत्यन्त निर्दय और अत्याचारी व्यक्ति


मन को भाने या अच्छा लगने वाला


संगीत में एक प्रकार का चलता गाना (पक्के या शास्त्रीय गानों से भिन्न), एक प्रकार का गान, एक ताल


शारीरिक श्रम के द्वारा जीविका कमाने वाला कोई व्यक्ति, जैसे: इमारत बनाने, कल-कारख़ानों में काम करने वाला, श्रमिक, कर्मकार, भृतक, मजूर


भलाई की बात सोचने वाला, वह शख़्स जो किसी की भलाई चाहे, शुभचिंतक

दूध-शरीक बहन

ऐसी बालिका जो किसी ऐसी स्त्री का दूध पीकर पली हो जिसका दूध पीकर और कोई बालिका या बालक भी पला हो, धाय संतान, दूधबहिन, दूधबहन


दुख और मौत से संबंधित, शोकयुक्त


बर्तन, भाजन, पात्र


किसी वस्तु के तीन समान भागों में कोई एक भाग, तीसरा अंश, भाग या हिस्सा, तीसरा हिस्सा

Home / Blog / From Script Sounds to Sound Script: A Fresh Take on Learning Urdu

From Script Sounds to Sound Script: A Fresh Take on Learning Urdu

by Rajat Kumar 12 December 2021 3 min Read

From Script Sounds to Sound Script: A Fresh Take on Learning Urdu

phir nazar me.n phuul mahke dil me.n phir sham.e.n jalii.n
phir tasavvur ne liyaa us bazm me.n jaane kaa naam

This verse above by Faiz Sahab is inarguably among the most adored couplets of Urdu language.

But besides its evocative imagery and nostalgic vibe, do you know what’s the secret behind Ghazal-lovers reciting it over and over, like a cryptic Mantra?

It’s rich, resonant sound effects.

If you know a thing or two about prosody and know how to recite a She’r in tune with its metrical pulse, you know once you recite this verse you’d be stuck in an endless loop!

I know this is one of the most popular meters and there are countless Urdu Ghazals in it, but what is it that particularly stimulates the flow of sounds in this couplet of Faiz?

It’s the repetitive ‘Ph’ sound in the verse.

Especially, with the ‘Phir’ and ‘Phuul’, and again the ‘Phir’ in the second hemistich.

The ‘Ph’ falls exactly on the first beat of a rhythmic time-signature; say, the ‘Sam’ of a 4/4 taal or Rupak Taal, or precisely, the ‘Dhaa’ of the Tabla.

It’s as if the aspirated, blown-out sound of ‘Ph’ lifts the verse to a crescendo at every beat drop:

Phir - na- zar- mein / Phuu - l -mah - ke / dil -me -phir - Sham / en-ja-lii.n
Dam-da-Dam-Dam/ Dam-da-Dam-Dam/ Dam-da-Dam-Dam/ Dam-da-Dam

Kind of cool, no?

But wait, now try something else, replace the imposing ‘Ph’ sound, with the faint ‘f’, now recite the verse.

Notice the difference; not that sonorous at all, right?

What’s happened is that the ‘f’ has literally taken the air out of the verse.

Sadly, or else, this is how most modern-day Urdu poetry aficionados-cum-aspirants read and recite this verse, with the syllable ‘f’.

Though it's common knowledge why this has come to pass – the fact that readers of the Urdu script have skimmed and Devanagari has dropped the all-essential Nuqtas or dots that helped readers tell apart these different syllables – it’s not the Hindi or Urdu speaker who stands at a loss, but it’s that Hindustani speaker, who is positive that Urdu/Hindi is just one language and his OWN, who has further distanced from his Lingua Franca.

And this has surely not been helped by counterproductive arguments such as, ‘So what if Devanagari has dropped Nuqtas, Urdu texts are also barely marked with diacritics (E’raab) which make identifying vowels harder; eventually, people know what they’re talking about!’

The truth is, people don’t. 

If you take sensible reading out of the equation, speaking sense makes no sense.

And yes, this forced rigidity upon the two scripts is being broken by Aamozish and the likes, yet for us modern learners and speakers, who are flushed upon with Roman texts from all sides, we need to embrace, or perhaps even invent, a Sound Script, a script that speaks for itself, a script that makes not just advertisements or slogans meaningful, but also poetry of Faiz and other greats more relatable.

Language has more to do than just communicating a meaning, it has to fulfil the purpose of successfully conveying an idea; for an idea is exceedingly Virgin than its meaning.

Wow! We have quickly digressed from relishing a beautiful couplet into a heart-out rant. Perhaps now is the perfect time to take cue from Faiz Sahab’s ‘phir tasavvur ne liyaa us bazm me.n jaane kaa naam’, and step into ‘’that gathering’’ where we can again touch base with our roots, and can know more and unlearn even more!

Oh, and if this ‘Ph’ vs ‘f’ friction still subsides, then we only have Ghalib to turn to:

aagahii daam-e-shuniidan jis qadar chaahe bichhaa.e
mudda.aa anqaa hai apne aalam-e-taqriir kaa


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