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Showing results for "zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa"

zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

to say in whispers, in an undertone

zer-e-lab muskuraanaa

smile furtively

zer-e-lab bolnaa

to say in whispers, in an undertone


in whispers, in an undertone, sotto voce, in a low voice, inarticulate


smile under the lip, softly, snigger


hidden smile


words which are at the tip of the tongue but are left unspoken, a whispered word

Meaning ofSee meaning zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

ज़ेर-ए-लब बड़बड़ानाزیرِ لَب بَڑْبَڑانا


English meaning of zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

Persian, Hindi - Compound Verb

  • to say in whispers, in an undertone

ज़ेर-ए-लब बड़बड़ाना के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, हिंदी - यौगिक क्रिया

  • मुँह ही मुँह में बोलना, चुपके से कुछ कहना, मुँह से अस्पष्ट शब्दों में कुछ बोलना

زیرِ لَب بَڑْبَڑانا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فارسی، ہندی - فعل مرکب

  • مُن٘ھ ہی مُن٘ھ میں بولنا، آہستگی سے کچھ کہنا، غیر واضح لفظوں میں آہستہ سے کچھ بولنا

Urdu meaning of zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • munh hii munh me.n bolnaa, aahistagii se kuchh kahnaa, Gair vaazih lafzo.n me.n aahista se kuchh bolnaa

Related searched words

zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

to say in whispers, in an undertone

zer-e-lab muskuraanaa

smile furtively

zer-e-lab bolnaa

to say in whispers, in an undertone


in whispers, in an undertone, sotto voce, in a low voice, inarticulate


smile under the lip, softly, snigger


hidden smile


words which are at the tip of the tongue but are left unspoken, a whispered word

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zer-e-lab ba.Dba.Daanaa

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