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Showing results for "zeb-e-tan honaa"

zeb-e-tan honaa

adorned on the body, an apparel


embellishment, jewel of the body

zeb-e-tan karnaa

to wear, put on

zeb-e-badan honaa

decorating the body, apparel

zeb-e-chaman honaa

باغ کو زینت دینا

zeb-e-gosh honaa

to come into one's consideration

zeb-e-qirtaas honaa

to decorate in expression, to write beautifully

zeb-e-aaGosh honaa

معشوق کا بغل میں ہونا

zeb-e-guluu honaa

adorning the neck, a necklace

zeb-e-kamar honaa

کمر میں کوئی چیز لگی یا بندھی ہونا

niimcha zeb-e-kamar honaa

to fasten a small lancet over the waist

muu-e-tan raast honaa

بدن کے رونگٹے کھڑے ہونا

Meaning ofSee meaning zeb-e-tan honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

zeb-e-tan honaa

ज़ेब-ए-तन होनाزیبِ تَن ہونا


English meaning of zeb-e-tan honaa

  • adorned on the body, an apparel

ज़ेब-ए-तन होना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • शरीर पर सजा होना, पहना हुआ होना, शरीर पर होना

زیبِ تَن ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جسَم پر سجا ہونا، پہنا ہوا ہونا، جسم پر ہونا

Urdu meaning of zeb-e-tan honaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jism par saja honaa, pahna hu.a honaa, jism par honaa

Related searched words

zeb-e-tan honaa

adorned on the body, an apparel


embellishment, jewel of the body

zeb-e-tan karnaa

to wear, put on

zeb-e-badan honaa

decorating the body, apparel

zeb-e-chaman honaa

باغ کو زینت دینا

zeb-e-gosh honaa

to come into one's consideration

zeb-e-qirtaas honaa

to decorate in expression, to write beautifully

zeb-e-aaGosh honaa

معشوق کا بغل میں ہونا

zeb-e-guluu honaa

adorning the neck, a necklace

zeb-e-kamar honaa

کمر میں کوئی چیز لگی یا بندھی ہونا

niimcha zeb-e-kamar honaa

to fasten a small lancet over the waist

muu-e-tan raast honaa

بدن کے رونگٹے کھڑے ہونا

Showing search results for: English meaning of jebetan hona, English meaning of jebetan honaa

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