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Showing results for "vuruud honaa"

vuruud honaa

to appear

vaarid honaa

to arrive, come, alight, descend, befall, enter

vird honaa

to repeat

vaaraa vard honaa

کفایت ہونا ؛ جتینا ، غالب آنا ؛ میزان پٹنا

naam vird-e-zabaa.n honaa

نام کا رٹا جانا ، بار بار نام لیا جانا ۔

vird-e-zabaan honaa

be learnt by heart, constantly recited or uttered

vird-e-zubaa.n honaa

committed to memory, on one's lips

vird-e-lab honaa

be learnt by heart, constantly recited or uttered

Meaning ofSee meaning vuruud honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

vuruud honaa

वुरूद होनाوُرُود ہونا

English meaning of vuruud honaa

Compound Verb

  • to appear

वुरूद होना के हिंदी अर्थ

यौगिक क्रिया

  • प्रकट होना, आगमन होना, उपस्थिति होना, सामने आना

وُرُود ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

فعل مرکب

  • ظہور ہونا، نزول ہونا، آمد ہونا، سامنے آنا

Urdu meaning of vuruud honaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • zahuur honaa, nuzuul honaa, aamad honaa, saamne aanaa

Related searched words

vuruud honaa

to appear

vaarid honaa

to arrive, come, alight, descend, befall, enter

vird honaa

to repeat

vaaraa vard honaa

کفایت ہونا ؛ جتینا ، غالب آنا ؛ میزان پٹنا

naam vird-e-zabaa.n honaa

نام کا رٹا جانا ، بار بار نام لیا جانا ۔

vird-e-zabaan honaa

be learnt by heart, constantly recited or uttered

vird-e-zubaa.n honaa

committed to memory, on one's lips

vird-e-lab honaa

be learnt by heart, constantly recited or uttered

Showing search results for: English meaning of vurood hona, English meaning of vurood honaa

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vuruud honaa

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