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Showing results for "vahshii"


equity, justice, being just, law, right




just, equitable, discreet, a person of propriety or taste


a just and equitable person, asylum of justice

'adaalat cha.Dhnaa

to claim

'adaalat ba.Dhaanaa

انصاف کا دور دورہ ہونا، انصاف کا چرچا ہونا




law courts

'adaalat honaa

to be prosecuted, take the dispute to court


the court, assize




jurist, judge


the court of session


do justice, adjudicate

'adaalat karnaa

sit in a court, set up a court, to collect a crowd

'adaalat lagaanaa

to collect a crowd, to make a noise, hold court


معشوق کی مجلس جس میں عاشق حاضر ہوں


a district court

'adaalat kaa darvaaza khaTkhaTaanaa

go to court for justice


a type of court who is comes under a senor judge


high court


supreme court


revenue court

'adaalat me.n maaKHuuz karna

to bring to justice


بادشاہ کا انصاف

'adaalat ke kutte

the court staff who entice complainants to take bribes


supreme court


گہوراۂ عدالت، عدالت سے معمور، عدل والا

'adaalat kaa dar khulnaa

court session starts for case hearing


court of competent jurisdiction, a competent tribunal

'adaalat kaa ba.Daa naazuk mu'aamla hai

مقدمہ بازی بڑی ٹیڑھی کھیر ہے، مقدمہ بازی میں نقصان ہی ہوتا ہے


high court


high court


the court that decides the sentence


a court of appellate, a court of appeal


civil court, a court dealing with noncriminal cases


of the court, like the court


arbitral tribunal, panchayati court


a court of original, in common law legal systems original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to appellate jurisdiction, when a higher court has the power to review a lower court's decision


small causes court, the Small Causes Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to civil cases


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


subordinate court


with justice


criminal court, a court of criminal jurisdiction

'adaalat par aa jaanaa

do justice


a court who did not have the authority of princely state and democratic capital


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court


court language


سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کا اُردو ترجمہ ، اعلیٰ ترین عدالتی کونسل .


judicial proceedings


عدالت کی مسل یا کارروائی


انصاف کے لیے عدالت سے رجوع کرنا.



'adaalat basnaa

to file a case, to admonish someone to sue them


judicial, legal

ibtidaa.ii 'adaalat

subordinate Court or its officer in front of which the trial of the suit begins

movaaKHaza 'adaalat

the court summon

faujdaarii 'adaalat

criminal court

maqaamii 'adaalat

the court which is belongs to a particular city or town

Meaning ofSee meaning vahshii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22

Root word: vahsh

Tags: Medical Animals

Word Family: v-h-sh


Pictorial Reference

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English meaning of vahshii


  • wild, savage, ferocious, barbarous, barbaric, uncivilized, crazy, untamed

Noun, Masculine

  • brute, savage
  • wild beast

Sher Examples

वहशी के हिंदी अर्थ


  • जंगली, असभ्य, क्रूर, बर्बर
  • (पशु) जो जंगल में घूमता-फिरता और रहता हो। ' पालतू ' का विपर्याय
  • जंगल में रहनेवाला। जंगली। वन्य।
  • जंगली पशु जो मनुष्यों से भागे, वह व्यक्ति जो मनुष्यों के समागम से बचे और अकेला रहना पसंद करे, पागल, मिराक़ी
  • जंगली, असभ्य
  • जंगल में रहने वाला, वन्य
  • जो अभद्र तथा असंस्कृत हो; उजड्ड
  • बर्बर

وَحْشی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • اجنبی ، غیر مانوس
  • صحرائی ، جنگلی ، جنگل کا باسی ۔
  • (کتابت) آڑا قط لگے قلم کے دو پلوں میں سے ایک پلہ ، میدان قلم کی بائیں نوک ، بایاں رخ جو بیچ کے شگاف کی وجہ سے دوحصوں میں بٹا ہوتا ہے ، دائیں پرے کو انسی اور بائیں پرے کو وحشی کہتے ہیں بائیں کو خفی بھی کہتے ہیں اور اس سے باریک حصے حرف کے لکھے جاتے ہیں ۔
  • بھڑکنے والا ، گھبرانے والا ، ایک حال پر نہ رہنے والا
  • جنگلی جانور جو آدمیوں سے بھاگ جائے ، جو انسانوں سے مانوس نہ ہو
  • جو بائیں طرف ہو ؛ بایاں ، بیرونی نیز اُلٹا ، پٹ (چت کی ضد) نیز (طب) وہ رخ جو جسم کے درمیانی خط سے دور ہو
  • جو پالتو نہ ہو (کوئی جانور) ۔
  • دیوانہ ، سودائی ، خبطی ۔
  • غیر مہذب ، غیر متمدن ، ناتراشیدہ ؛ اجڈ ، ان گھڑ ، بدسلیقہ ۔
  • ۔(ع۔ بالفتح) صفت۔ جنگلی جانور ہو آدمیوں سے بھاگ جائے۔ صحرائی۔ جنگلی۔ بھرکنے والا۔ گھبرانے والا۔ ایک جال پر نہ رہنے والا ۲۔ غیر مانوس ۳۔ غیر مہذت۔

Urdu meaning of vahshii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • ajnabii, Gair maanuus
  • sahraa.ii, janglii, jangal ka baasii
  • (kitaabat) aa.Daa qat lage qalam ke do palo.n me.n se ek palla, maidaan-e-qalam kii baa.e.n nok, baayaa.n ruKh jo biich ke shigaaf kii vajah se do hisso.n me.n baTaa hotaa hai, daa.e.n priy ko insii aur baa.e.n priy ko vahshii kahte hai.n baa.e.n ko Khafii bhii kahte hai.n aur is se baariik hisse harf ke likhe jaate hai.n
  • bha.Dakne vaala, ghabraane vaala, ek haal par na rahne vaala
  • janglii jaanvar jo aadmiiyo.n se bhaag jaaye, jo insaano.n se maanuus na ho
  • jo baa.e.n taraf ho ; baayaa.n, bairuunii niiz ulTaa, piT (chitt kii zid) niiz (tibb) vo ruKh jo jism ke daramyaanii Khat se duur ho
  • jo paaltuu na ho (ko.ii jaanvar)
  • diivaanaa, saudaa.ii, Khabtii
  • Gair muhazzab, Gair mutmaddim, naatraashiidaa ; ujaDD, in gha.D, badasliiqaa
  • ۔(e। baalaftah) sifat। janglii jaanvar ho aadmiiyo.n se bhaag jaaye। sahraa.ii। janglii। bharakne vaala। ghabraane vaala। ek jaal par na rahne vaala २। Gair maanuus ३। Gair mahzat

Rhyming words of vahshii

Related searched words


equity, justice, being just, law, right




just, equitable, discreet, a person of propriety or taste


a just and equitable person, asylum of justice

'adaalat cha.Dhnaa

to claim

'adaalat ba.Dhaanaa

انصاف کا دور دورہ ہونا، انصاف کا چرچا ہونا




law courts

'adaalat honaa

to be prosecuted, take the dispute to court


the court, assize




jurist, judge


the court of session


do justice, adjudicate

'adaalat karnaa

sit in a court, set up a court, to collect a crowd

'adaalat lagaanaa

to collect a crowd, to make a noise, hold court


معشوق کی مجلس جس میں عاشق حاضر ہوں


a district court

'adaalat kaa darvaaza khaTkhaTaanaa

go to court for justice


a type of court who is comes under a senor judge


high court


supreme court


revenue court

'adaalat me.n maaKHuuz karna

to bring to justice


بادشاہ کا انصاف

'adaalat ke kutte

the court staff who entice complainants to take bribes


supreme court


گہوراۂ عدالت، عدالت سے معمور، عدل والا

'adaalat kaa dar khulnaa

court session starts for case hearing


court of competent jurisdiction, a competent tribunal

'adaalat kaa ba.Daa naazuk mu'aamla hai

مقدمہ بازی بڑی ٹیڑھی کھیر ہے، مقدمہ بازی میں نقصان ہی ہوتا ہے


high court


high court


the court that decides the sentence


a court of appellate, a court of appeal


civil court, a court dealing with noncriminal cases


of the court, like the court


arbitral tribunal, panchayati court


a court of original, in common law legal systems original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to appellate jurisdiction, when a higher court has the power to review a lower court's decision


small causes court, the Small Causes Court is responsible for adjudicating matters related to civil cases


a law court that has the power to change the decision of a lower court, court of appeal(s)


subordinate court


with justice


criminal court, a court of criminal jurisdiction

'adaalat par aa jaanaa

do justice


a court who did not have the authority of princely state and democratic capital


a court of first instance, the First Appellate Court, the court in which a suit is first brought, an original court


a court of second instance, a lower appellate court


court language


سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کا اُردو ترجمہ ، اعلیٰ ترین عدالتی کونسل .


judicial proceedings


عدالت کی مسل یا کارروائی


انصاف کے لیے عدالت سے رجوع کرنا.



'adaalat basnaa

to file a case, to admonish someone to sue them


judicial, legal

ibtidaa.ii 'adaalat

subordinate Court or its officer in front of which the trial of the suit begins

movaaKHaza 'adaalat

the court summon

faujdaarii 'adaalat

criminal court

maqaamii 'adaalat

the court which is belongs to a particular city or town

Showing search results for: English meaning of vahshee, English meaning of vahshi

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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