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Showing results for "tote kii tarah diide badalnaa"



tote jo.Dnaa


tote u.Dnaa

tote u.Dnaa

tote baa.ndhnaa


tote kaa pe.D

tote u.Daanaa

tote kii aisii aa.nkhe.n phernaa

tote kii sii aa.nkhe.n phernaa

tote kii sii aa.nkhe.n phernaa

tote kii sii aa.nkhe.n phernaa

shun, turn away, not to keep faith, to ignore, refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally

tote pa.Dhaanaa

tote kii tarah aa.nkhe.n phernaa

tote kii tarah aa.nkhe.n badalnaa

tote kii tarah Te.n-Te.n karnaa

tote-mainaa u.Daanaa

tote u.D jaanaa

tote u.D jaanaa

tote kii tarah baate.n karaanaa

teach someone to chatter meaninglessly

tote kii tarah aa.nkh phernaa

tote kii tarah aa.nkh badalnaa

tote kii sii nigaah phernaa

tote kii tarah pa.Dhnaa

tote kii tarah pa.Dhnaa

repeat, memorise like a parrot without comprehending

tote kii tarah pa.Dhaanaa

to make someone memorise, to make someone cram without comprehension

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim

tote kii tarah bolnaa

sputter out things from memory, speak without understanding

tote kii tarah raTnaa

tote mainaa kii kahaanii

tote kii tarah yaad karaanaa

tote kii tarah diide badalnaa

to be unfaithful, to be disloyal

tote kii tarah raT lagaanaa

to keep repeating like parrot

tote kii tarah yaad karnaa

tote kii tarah yaad karnaa

lage tote bhiito.n bolne

hosh ke tote sa.nbhaalo

haatho.n se tote u.Dnaa

baato.n ke tote u.Daanaa

haatho.n ke tote uu.Daanaa

haatho.n ke tote u.Dnaa

haatho.n ke tote u.Daanaa

haatho.n ke tote u.Daanaa

buDDhe tote pa.Dhnaa

haath se tote uu.Dnaa

haath se tote u.Dnaa

haath-paa.o.n ke tote u.Dnaa

baato.n ke tote mainaa banaanaa

'aql ke tote u.D ga.e

'aql ke tote u.D ga.e

haatho.n ke tote u.D jaanaa

to be confounded, be taken aback, be struck dumb, be nonplussed

haatho.n ke tote u.D jaanaa

be confounded, be taken aback, be struck dumb, be nonplussed

aa.nkh tote kii tarah phiraanaa

aa.nkh tote kii tarah phernaa

aa.nkh tote kii tarah badalnaa

buu.Dhe tote nahii.n pa.Dhte

baate.n kare mainaa kii sii, aa.nkhe.n badle tote kii sii

kaaGaz ke tote u.Daanaa

'aql ke tote u.D jaanaa

haath ke tote uu.D jaanaa

haath ke tote u.D jaanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning tote kii tarah diide badalnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

tote kii tarah diide badalnaa

तोते की तरह दीदे बदल्नाطوطے کی طَرَح دِیدے بَدَلْنا


English meaning of tote kii tarah diide badalnaa

  • to be unfaithful, to be disloyal

तोते की तरह दीदे बदल्ना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • तोते की तरह आँखें बदलना

طوطے کی طَرَح دِیدے بَدَلْنا کے اردو معانی

  • طوطے کی طرح آنکھیں بدلنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of tote kee tarah deede badalna, English meaning of tote kee tarah deede badalnaa

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tote kii tarah diide badalnaa

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