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Showing results for "tauhiin"


chastity, virginity


respect and honour


'izzat jaanaa

'izzat denaa

grace, exalt, confer honour or dignity, show respect (to someone)

'izzat vaalaa

reputable and respectable person

'izzat lenaa

dishonour, insult, disgrace, put to shame, destroy reputation, abuse, violate, rape



respectability, honor, respectfulness

'izzat karnaa

to exalt one's glory or name

'izzat milnaa

'izzat luTnaa

'izzat khonaa

'izzat khulnaa

'izzat banaanaa

'izzat utarnaa

'izzat dharnaa

'izzat luuTnaa

rape, to insult

'izzat Dubonaa

'izzat cha.Dnaa


vetted trust


'izzat kaa Dar

'izzat ba.Dhnaa

'izzat baKHshnaa

'izzat utaarnaa

insult, disgrace, dishonour, rape

'izzat miTaanaa

'izzat bachaanaa

to rescue from rape

'izzat ba.Dhaanaa

'izzat biga.Dnaa

'izzat bigaa.Dnaa

insult, disgrace, dishonour


gain more in respect, to raise someone's status and respect in high level




dignity of forefathers


the grandeur of this life and the hereafter

'izzat kaa maaraa

'izzat ga.nvaanaa

'izzat utarvaanaa

'izzat rah jaanaa

'izzat utar jaanaa

'izzat rakh lenaa

'izzat sa.nbhaalnaa

'izzat kirkirii honaa

'izzat zyaada karnaa

'izzat kaa laaguu honaa

be bent upon sullying or ruining someone's respect

'izzat me.n farq aanaa

'izzat ke piichhe pa.Dnaa

'izzat par baTTaa lagnaa

'izzat ko baTTaa lagaanaa

'izzat miTTii me.n milnaa

'izzat KHaak me.n milaanaa

'izzat ko paTTa lagaanaa

'izzat par haath Daalnaa

'izzat KHaak me.n milnaa

'izzat me.n baTTaa lagnaa

'izzat par paanii phirnaa

'izzat kal jaatii aaj jaa.e

'izzat KHudaa ke haath hai

'izzat kaa KHvaahaa.n honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning tauhiin in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 221

Word Family: v-h-n

English meaning of tauhiin

Noun, Feminine

Sher Examples

तौहीन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

تَوہِین کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • اہانت، بے عزتی، ذلّت، حِقارت

    مثال - ظالم حکمراں بہت برے اور توہین آمیز الفاظ سے یاد کیے جاتے ہیں

Showing search results for: English meaning of tauheen, English meaning of tauhin

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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