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Showing results for "tah-ba-tah karnaa"

tah-ba-tah karnaa

fold, pile one upon another

tah karnaa

fold (cloth, etc.), roll (bed, etc.)


layered, layer by layer, layer upon layer, in layers, fold on fold, fold over fold

daftar tah karnaa

qissa tah karnaa

raaz tah karnaa

zaanuu tah karnaa

baat tah karnaa

tah-o-teG karnaa

To put to sword.

zaanuu-e-adab tah karnaa

be student or disciple (of)

zaanuu-e-adab tah karnaa

to sit with etiquettes

zaanuu-e-talammuz tah karnaa

be or become the pupil (of), to study (under)

zaanuu-e-talammuz tah karnaa

to come under the wing (of), becoming a student, sitting in a classroom

tah-o-baalaa karnaa

turn upside down

baat ko tah karnaa

dil tah-o-baalaa karnaa

'aalam tah-o-baalaa karnaa

mahfil tah-o-baalaa karnaa

'aalam-e-tah-o-baalaa karnaa

tah-e-teG karnaa

put to sword, to kill, to murder, massacre

tah-e-raan karnaa

tah-e-KHaak-o-KHuu.n karnaa

thuu-tha.Dallaa karnaa

Thaa.e.n Thaa.e.n karnaa

(guns) be fired, have a gunfight


dil me.n Thaa.o.n karnaa

thuu-thuu karnaa

damnation, to curse, to hate

tha.ii-tha.ii karnaa

kyaa ToTkaa karne aa.ii thii.n

Meaning ofSee meaning tah-ba-tah karnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

tah-ba-tah karnaa

तह-ब-तह करनाتَہ بَہ تَہ کَرنا

English meaning of tah-ba-tah karnaa

  • fold, pile one upon another

Showing search results for: English meaning of tahbatah karna, English meaning of tahbatah karnaa

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tah-ba-tah karnaa

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