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Showing results for "suurat ba.ndhnaa"

suurat ba.ndhnaa

موقع پیش آنا ، سامان فراہم ہونا.

suurat baa.ndhnaa

to assume the form or shape (of), to represent a picture or scene

surat baa.ndhnaa

لگاتار تصوُّر یا دھیان میں لاتا (کسی کی طرف) خیال لگانا.

shart baa.ndhnaa

to make terms (with), to stipulate, provide (for), bargain (for), to bind by contract, to contract an obligation, to lay a wager (with), to bet

nikaah kii sii sharte.n baa.ndhnaa

put forth binding conditions, make unreasonable arguments

Meaning ofSee meaning suurat ba.ndhnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

suurat ba.ndhnaa

सूरत बँधनाصُورَت بَنْدْھنا


सूरत बँधना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • अवसर मिलना, मौक़ा पेश आना, उपाय मिलना

صُورَت بَنْدْھنا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • موقع پیش آنا ، سامان فراہم ہونا.

Urdu meaning of suurat ba.ndhnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • mauqaa pesh aanaa, saamaan faraaham honaa

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suurat ba.ndhnaa

موقع پیش آنا ، سامان فراہم ہونا.

suurat baa.ndhnaa

to assume the form or shape (of), to represent a picture or scene

surat baa.ndhnaa

لگاتار تصوُّر یا دھیان میں لاتا (کسی کی طرف) خیال لگانا.

shart baa.ndhnaa

to make terms (with), to stipulate, provide (for), bargain (for), to bind by contract, to contract an obligation, to lay a wager (with), to bet

nikaah kii sii sharte.n baa.ndhnaa

put forth binding conditions, make unreasonable arguments

Showing search results for: English meaning of soorat bandhna, English meaning of soorat bandhnaa

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suurat ba.ndhnaa

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