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Showing results for "subuk-dosh"


one who willingly hazards his life for another, one who volunteers or risks his life in any perilous service, offering oneself as ransom or victim, a forlorn hope, lover


devotion, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice

Meaning ofSee meaning subuk-dosh in English, Hindi & Urdu


सुबुक-दोशسُبُک دوش

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 1221

English meaning of subuk-dosh


  • retired ,discharged, absolved of responsibility, relieved of a burden, unburdened, relieved of responsibility, lightly, laden

Sher Examples

सुबुक-दोश के हिंदी अर्थ


  • जिसके कन्धों पर से उत्तरदायित्व या कोई और भार उतर गया हो, कांधो पर से बोझ उतरना, सेवानिवृत्त होना, अवकाशप्राप्त, पद-मुक्त होना, नजात हासिल करने वाला, छुटकारा पाने वाला, भारयुक्त, ज़िम्मेदारी से अलग

سُبُک دوش کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • جس کا کندھا بوجھ سے ہلکا ہو، مطمئن، آسودہ، سبک بار، نجات حاصل کرنے والا، چُھٹکارا پانے والا، کسی امر یا ذِمّہ داری سے فارغ ہو جانے والا، بری الذِمّہ، فارغ، لاتعقل، بے غم، آزاد، بے پروا

Urdu meaning of subuk-dosh

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jis ka kandhaa bojh se halkaa ho, mutamin, aasuudaa, sabak baar, najaat haasil karne vaala, chhuTkaaraa paane vaala, kisii amar ya zimmaadaarii se faariG ho jaane vaala, barii ulazmaa, faariG, laataaqal, beGam, aazaad, beparva

Related searched words


one who willingly hazards his life for another, one who volunteers or risks his life in any perilous service, offering oneself as ransom or victim, a forlorn hope, lover


devotion, loyalty, dedication, sacrifice

Showing search results for: English meaning of subukdosh, English meaning of subuqdosh

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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