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Showing results for "sih-gaana"


three kinds, of three type


Three fold.


three types, on three sides


(Lit.) unity of time, place and action, Aristotle's rule regarding drama


تین قسم کی مخلوق جو روئے زمین پر ہے جمادات پہاڑ پتھر، نباتات یعنی درخت اور بوٹیاں وغیرہ، حیوانات کل جاندار چیزیں

gaane vaalaa sho'la

(Physics) took a tube of glass about 30 centimetres long and 3.5 centimetres wide, with both side mouth opened and brought down slowly on the flame of gas and when the flame reached middle of the tube, then the flame starts vibrating and starts producing

Meaning ofSee meaning sih-gaana in English, Hindi & Urdu


सिह-गानाسِہ گانَہ

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 222

English meaning of sih-gaana

Noun, Masculine

  • three kinds, of three type
  • three cups of wine, which are drunk in the morning

सिह-गाना के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • तीन प्याले शराब के जो प्रातः तड़के पीते हैं
  • तीन प्रकार का, तीन तरह का

سِہ گانَہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • تین پیالے شراب کے جو علی الصبح پیتے ہیں
  • تین قسم کا، تِین طرح کا

Urdu meaning of sih-gaana

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • tiin pyaale sharaab ke jo alii ul-subah piite hai.n
  • tiin kism ka, tiin tarah ka

Related searched words


three kinds, of three type


Three fold.


three types, on three sides


(Lit.) unity of time, place and action, Aristotle's rule regarding drama


تین قسم کی مخلوق جو روئے زمین پر ہے جمادات پہاڑ پتھر، نباتات یعنی درخت اور بوٹیاں وغیرہ، حیوانات کل جاندار چیزیں

gaane vaalaa sho'la

(Physics) took a tube of glass about 30 centimetres long and 3.5 centimetres wide, with both side mouth opened and brought down slowly on the flame of gas and when the flame reached middle of the tube, then the flame starts vibrating and starts producing

Showing search results for: English meaning of sihgaana, English meaning of sihgana

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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