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youth, youthfulness

joban honaa

joban par honaa

joban par bahaar aanaa

joban kii bahaare.n lauTnaa

ravish, enjoy the pleasures of youth


a youthful woman


youthful strength or vigour, adj. strong with the strength of youth

joban kaa

of or relating to youth, youthfulness, the prime of life, bloom of youth

joban kii

joban ke din

joban aanaa


young, youthful, juvenile, attained to or arrived at the age of puberty, fit to be married, marriageable, beautiful, handsome


young or youthful girl, a girl near or at the age of puberty, (a girl) with great physical charm

joban denaa


joban karnaa

joban luTnaa

be ravished, to taste or enjoy the pleasures of youth to the full, to revel in the pleasures of youth

joban uThnaa

joban nikalnaa

attained to or arrived at the age of puberty, fit to be married, marriageable

joban Dhalnaa

be ineffective or unattractive

joban barasnaa

to be in full vigor, to bloom

joban luuTnaa

take sexual pleasure from (a woman)

joban Tapaknaa

joban umaknaa

joban aa gayaa

joban nikaalnaa

attained to or arrived at the age of puberty, fit to be married, marriageable

joban ubharnaa

puberty to show itself, the breasts (of a woman) to be developed

joban uma.ngnaa

joban chamkaanaa

to show one's pride of the youth

joban uma.nDnaa

joban kii dhuup

joban kii maatii

woman intoxicated by youth

joban kaa maanaa

joban kaa maataa

joban kaa maatii

joban par aanaa

joban thaa jab ruup thaa gaahak thaa sab ko.ii, joban ratan ga.nvaa.e ke baat na puuchhe ko.ii

joban uchhaalnaa

joban uuma.ngnaa

joban me.n tulnaa

joban Dhal jaanaa

joban Tapkaa pa.Dnaa

joban phaTaa pa.Dnaa

female youth to bloom, breasts to become very prominent

joban chamaknaa

laakh joban honaa

sadaa joban nahii.n rahtaa

cha.Dhtaa joban

blooming youth (of a girl, usually one having well-developed breasts or sex appeal), growing beauty



shaahid-e-bahaar par joban honaa

saaraa joban ghaalo jab ek laala paalo

saaraa joban ghaalo jab ek laala paalo

kis joban se

ga.e joban bhaTaar

chaa.nd joban par aanaa

ranDii kaa joban rakaabii me.n

gorii kaa joban chuTkiyo.n me.n jaa.e

saaraa joban ghaalaa jab ek baalaa paalaa

khaa.nD aur raa.nD kaa joban raat ko

saaraa joban ghaaliye to ek baalak paaliye

Meaning ofSee meaning sho'la in English, Hindi & Urdu



Also Read As - sho'alaa

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22

Plural: sho'ale

See meaning: sho'la

Word Family: sh-a-l

English meaning of sho'la

Noun, Masculine

  • flame, fire, blaze, flash

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a dish of boiled rice and pulse


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शो'ला के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

شُعْلَہ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • آگ کی لپٹ، روشنی، آنچ، لوکا، لو

Showing search results for: English meaning of shola

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