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mortality rate, or death rate, is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a particular population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time

Meaning ofSee meaning sharh-e-amvaat in English, Hindi & Urdu


शरह-ए-अमवातشَرْحِ اَمْوَاْتْ

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12221

English meaning of sharh-e-amvaat

Noun, Feminine

  • mortality rate, or death rate, is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a particular population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time

शरह-ए-अमवात के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • मृत्यु दर, मृत्यु अनुपात, मृत्यु दर प्रति हजार लोगों की संख्या है जो किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में एक विशेष अवधि के दौरान होती हैं

شَرْحِ اَمْوَاْتْ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • موت کا تناسب، شرح اموات فی ہزار افراد کی تعداد ہے جو کسی خاص علاقے میں کسی خاص مدت کے دوران ہوتی ہیں

Showing search results for: English meaning of sharheamvaat, English meaning of sharheamvat

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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