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Showing results for "runway"


a leveled strip of smooth ground along which aircraft take off and land, a raised aisle extending into the audience from a stage, especially as used for fashion shows



Meaning ofSee meaning runway in English, Hindi & Urdu


रनवेرَن وے

Origin: English

English meaning of runway

Noun, Masculine

  • a leveled strip of smooth ground along which aircraft take off and land, a raised aisle extending into the audience from a stage, especially as used for fashion shows

रनवे के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • चिकनी जमीन की एक समतल पट्टी जिससे विमान उड़ते और उतरते हैं, फैशन शो में माडल द्वारा परिधान को दिखाने हेतु चलने की पट्टी

رَن وے کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • ہوائی اڈّے پر ہوائی جہازوں کے پرواز سے قبل اور بعد دوڑنے کا خصوصی راستہ نیز ہوائی جہاز کے کھڑے رہنے یا ٹھہرنے کا مقام، فیشن شو میں ماڈل کے ذریعہ لباس کو دکھانے کے لیے چلنے کی پٹی

Urdu meaning of runway

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • havaa.ii aDDe par havaa.ii jahaazo.n ke parvaaz se qabal aur baad dau.Dne ka Khusuusii raasta niiz havaa.ii jahaaz ke kha.De rahne ya Thaharne ka muqaam, faishan sho me.n mauDal ke zariiyaa libaas ko dikhaane ke li.e chalne kii paTTii

Related searched words


a leveled strip of smooth ground along which aircraft take off and land, a raised aisle extending into the audience from a stage, especially as used for fashion shows



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