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Showing results for "rag.Daanaa"



cause to rock, cause to roll or move, propel


excoriate, rub, abrade, grind, grate, chafe, wear out


drive off or away, pursue, chase

rog denaa

raag denaa



rigge denaa


naak rag.Daanaa

e.Diiyaa.n raga.Dnaa

to drag the heels in walking, to rub the heels (against the bed in dying), to be in straitened circumstances, to be in distress, or in agony

gaa.n.D raga.Dnaa

kau.Dii raga.Dnaa

go.De raga.Dnaa

chuuta.D raga.Dnaa

paa.nv raga.Dnaa

to rub the feet together, to go about foolishly and unprofitably, to be in the agonies of death

paa.nv raga.Dnaa

to rub the feet together, to go about foolishly and unprofitably, to be in the agonies of death

kaa.ndhaa raga.Dnaa

to be much crowded

haDDiyaa.n rag.Dnaa

gaa.n.D tave par raga.Dnaa

mu.nh paa.nv par raga.Dnaa

peshaanii raga.Dnaa

to rub the forehead (on the ground), to supplicate, implore humbly (of the Deity, or a saint, or a king), flatter

dhar raga.Dnaa

exhaust, wear down

mu.nh paanvo.n par raga.Dnaa

gaa.nD raga.Dnaa

labour or try hard

mu.nh paa.o.n par raga.Dnaa

ThanDaa.ii raga.Dnaa

sandal raga.Dnaa

talvaar ko patthar se raga.Dnaa

maathaa raga.Dnaa

implore humbly, beseech, supplicate

naak raga.Dnaa

to rub the nose (against the ground), to beseech very humbly

jabiin raga.Dnaa

masaala raga.Dnaa

siis raga.Dnaa

sar raga.Dnaa

haath raga.Dnaa

munDiyaa raga.Dnaa

bruise or beat the head, crushing the head

masaala raga.Dnaa

buuT par aa.nkhe.n raga.Dnaa

aa.nkhe.n talvo.n se raga.Dnaa

juutii par naak raga.Dnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning rag.Daanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



रगड़ाना के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

  • सताना

رَگْڑانا کے اردو معانی

فعل متعدی

  • ستانا .

Showing search results for: English meaning of ragdaanaa, English meaning of ragdana

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