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Showing results for "raftaar-e-zamaana"
Meaning ofSee meaning raftaar-e-zamaana in English, Hindi & Urdu
English meaning of raftaar-e-zamaana
Persian, Arabic - Noun, Feminine
- course or pattern of life
Sher Examples
muḳhlis ho raho Tokā hai kis ne tumheñ 'anjum'
raftār-e-zamāna bhī magar dhyān meñ rakhnā
muKHlis ho raho Toka hai kis ne tumhein 'anjum'
raftar-e-zamana bhi magar dhyan mein rakhna
raftār-e-zamāna kā lahja saffāk dikhā.ī detā hai
bar-vaqt koī tadbīr karo āfāt kī niyyat Thiik nahīñ
raftar-e-zamana ka lahja saffak dikhai deta hai
bar-waqt koi tadbir karo aafat ki niyyat Thik nahin
raftār-e-zamāna lai jin kī gaatī hai gul-e-naġhma jin kā
ham gaate haiñ un āvāzoñ se āvāz milā.e zindāñ meñ
raftar-e-zamana lai jin ki gati hai gul-e-naghma jin ka
hum gate hain un aawazon se aawaz milae zindan mein
रफ़्तार-ए-ज़माना के हिंदी अर्थ
फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग
- सांसारिक दशा, दुनिया की हालत, ज़माने की चाल
رَفْتارِ زَمانَہ کے اردو معانی
- Roman
- Urdu
فارسی، عربی - اسم، مؤنث
- دنیا کے حالات، زمانے کی روش، زمانے کی چال
Urdu meaning of raftaar-e-zamaana
- Roman
- Urdu
- duniyaa ke haalaat, zamaane kii ravish, zamaane kii chaal
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remaining in a place, resting, sojourn, presence (as opposed to travel), settled (as opposed to nomadic) state
sarcastically addressed in Urdu literature as 'mister preacher' who forces people not to drink alcohol and makes religious arguments against it while being a hypocrite himself
your highness, a word of honor that replaces a name, also used as sarcasm, metaphorically: Prophet Mohammed
hazrat biivii kii pu.Diyaa
(عو) اَبیر اور سین٘دور کی پڑیا جس پر کسی منّت کے لیے حضرت فاطمہؓ کی نیاز دلائی جائے
whatever (of the victuals) is ready, pot luck, a polite and modest way of referring to food offered to guests
۔(ع میں بفتح آخرتھا۔)مذکر۔جو کھانا موجود ہو۔جو کچھ حاضر ہو۔موجودہ فارسیوں نے اس کھانے کے واسطے استعمال کےا جو تھوڑا سا ہو اور بے تکلف موجود اور حاضر ہو۔؎
Showing search results for: English meaning of raftaarejamaana, English meaning of raftaarezamaana
Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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