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Showing results for "qat'-e-kalaam"


interruption (during conversation), interruption of a speech

aap-kaa qat'-e-kalaam hotaa hai

when a person says something and the other person wants to say something by interrupting the conversation, he uses this phrase

qat'-kalaam karna

interrupt while another person is speaking, to interrupt the speech of, to put in a word

Meaning ofSee meaning qat'-e-kalaam in English, Hindi & Urdu


क़त'-ए-कलामقَطْعِ کَلام

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22121

English meaning of qat'-e-kalaam

Noun, Masculine

  • interruption (during conversation), interruption of a speech

Sher Examples

क़त'-ए-कलाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • किसी की पूरी बात सुनने से पहले ही अपनी बात कहने लगना

قَطْعِ کَلام کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • کسی کے سلسلۂ کلام کو منقطع کر کے اپنی بات شروع کر دینا، پوری بات سننے سے پہلے اپنی بات کہنے لگنا، بات چیت نہ ہونا

Urdu meaning of qat'-e-kalaam

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kisii ke silsilaa-e-kalaam ko munaqte kar ke apnii baat shuruu kar denaa, puurii baat sunne se pahle apnii baat kahne lagnaa, baatachiit na honaa

Related searched words


interruption (during conversation), interruption of a speech

aap-kaa qat'-e-kalaam hotaa hai

when a person says something and the other person wants to say something by interrupting the conversation, he uses this phrase

qat'-kalaam karna

interrupt while another person is speaking, to interrupt the speech of, to put in a word

Showing search results for: English meaning of katekalaam, English meaning of katekalam

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