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Showing results for "qait'a-e-daftiyan"


a cutting, segment, section, division


allotment of the land of a co-parcenary village, field by field, among the sharers; but in such a manner that they shall not be contiguous, or of the same quality, but so divided that each may have a due proportion of good and bad land. The term however, has other explanations; and most correctly implies the mode in which a Mauza’ is divided into two or more Mohaals or estates, it is commonly applied to denote the intermixture of the lands of different villages, which, although known as belonging to one village, are found lying amongst those belonging to another: in one or two instances, the lands of the same Mahaal or estate are entirely scattered amongst those of others


every span of land, every inch of ground, piece by piece


more than one couplet read together to form complete sentence


pieces of cardboard


segment, portion of land


plot, piece of land, a fairly small piece of ground


(Botany and Animals) divided into segments or joints, articulate


farming land, a patch or plot (of ground)


(Historical) tenure by which houses or lands are held of the king or other lord of a borough or city; at a certain yearly rent, or by services relating to trade or handicraft


strophe writer, qit'a writer


to divide in to parts, to divide in different parts


رک : قطع دائرہ ، (اقلیدس) دائرے کا وہ حصہ جو وتر یا کسی قوس سے محیط ہو.

qat' honaa

کپڑے کی کانٹ چھانٹ یا کتر بیونت ہونا


(Poetry) a kind of qit'a which is based on four lines (misra)

muqassamii qit'a

wide area, dividable

jarraahii qit'a

the part of the body on which the surgical procedure will be done


subdivision of a field

baalaa-labii qit'a

(Animalcules) labrum segment, a structure corresponding to a lip, especially the upper border of the mouthparts of a crustacean or insect, a word for an edge or lip, used in descriptions of body parts

maiyaan-sadrii qit'a

Mesothoracic System, a component or piece of the central part of the body or a combination

Meaning ofSee meaning qait'a-e-daftiyan in English, Hindi & Urdu


क़ित'अ-ए-दफ़्तियनقَِطْعَۂ دَفْتِیَن

Origin: Arabic

English meaning of qait'a-e-daftiyan

Noun, Masculine

  • pieces of cardboard

क़ित'अ-ए-दफ़्तियन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • गत्ते के टुकड़े

قَِطْعَۂ دَفْتِیَن کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • گتے یا پٹھے کے ٹکڑے

Urdu meaning of qait'a-e-daftiyan

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • gatte ya paTThe ke Tuk.De

Related searched words


a cutting, segment, section, division


allotment of the land of a co-parcenary village, field by field, among the sharers; but in such a manner that they shall not be contiguous, or of the same quality, but so divided that each may have a due proportion of good and bad land. The term however, has other explanations; and most correctly implies the mode in which a Mauza’ is divided into two or more Mohaals or estates, it is commonly applied to denote the intermixture of the lands of different villages, which, although known as belonging to one village, are found lying amongst those belonging to another: in one or two instances, the lands of the same Mahaal or estate are entirely scattered amongst those of others


every span of land, every inch of ground, piece by piece


more than one couplet read together to form complete sentence


pieces of cardboard


segment, portion of land


plot, piece of land, a fairly small piece of ground


(Botany and Animals) divided into segments or joints, articulate


farming land, a patch or plot (of ground)


(Historical) tenure by which houses or lands are held of the king or other lord of a borough or city; at a certain yearly rent, or by services relating to trade or handicraft


strophe writer, qit'a writer


to divide in to parts, to divide in different parts


رک : قطع دائرہ ، (اقلیدس) دائرے کا وہ حصہ جو وتر یا کسی قوس سے محیط ہو.

qat' honaa

کپڑے کی کانٹ چھانٹ یا کتر بیونت ہونا


(Poetry) a kind of qit'a which is based on four lines (misra)

muqassamii qit'a

wide area, dividable

jarraahii qit'a

the part of the body on which the surgical procedure will be done


subdivision of a field

baalaa-labii qit'a

(Animalcules) labrum segment, a structure corresponding to a lip, especially the upper border of the mouthparts of a crustacean or insect, a word for an edge or lip, used in descriptions of body parts

maiyaan-sadrii qit'a

Mesothoracic System, a component or piece of the central part of the body or a combination

Showing search results for: English meaning of kaitaedaftiyan, English meaning of qaitaedaftiyan

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