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Showing results for "pushp-chaamar"


having flowers for a chowrie', the plant artemisia indica , the fragrant plant pandanus odoratissimus (which has a large bushy flower)


areca palm, betel nut tree, areca catechu

Meaning ofSee meaning pushp-chaamar in English, Hindi & Urdu


पुष्प-चामरپُشْپ چامَر

Vazn : 2122

English meaning of pushp-chaamar

Noun, Masculine

  • having flowers for a chowrie', the plant artemisia indica , the fragrant plant pandanus odoratissimus (which has a large bushy flower)

पुष्प-चामर के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • केवड़ा।
  • दौना।

پُشْپ چامَر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • جنس افنتین ہندی ، مروا ، دونا ؛ پھولوں والا پودا ، لاط :Artemisia indica , خوشبودار پودا جس کے پھول چون٘ری نما گچھا بناتے ہیں ، جنس کیوڑا (اسی پودے سے عرق کیوڑا حاصل ہوتا ہے) لاط : Pandanus odoratissimus

Urdu meaning of pushp-chaamar

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jins afantiin hindii, marvaa, dona ; phuulo.n vaala paudaa, laat haArtemisia indica, Khushbuudaar paudaa jis ke phuul chonrii numaa guchchhaa banaate hai.n, jins kev.Daa (isii paude se arq kev.Daa haasil hotaa hai) laat ha Pandanus odoratissimu

Related searched words


having flowers for a chowrie', the plant artemisia indica , the fragrant plant pandanus odoratissimus (which has a large bushy flower)


areca palm, betel nut tree, areca catechu

Showing search results for: English meaning of pushpchaamar, English meaning of pushpchamar

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