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Showing results for "nuzuul-e-'iisaa"


the arrival of the Prophet Jesus (Jesus), it is the Islamic belief that the Prophet Jesus will return at the last time of the world (he was not slaughtered but was raised alive on the sky)

Meaning ofSee meaning nuzuul-e-'iisaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


नुज़ूल-ए-'ईसाنُزُولِ عِیسٰی

Origin: Arabic

English meaning of nuzuul-e-'iisaa

Noun, Masculine

  • the arrival of the Prophet Jesus (Jesus), it is the Islamic belief that the Prophet Jesus will return at the last time of the world (he was not slaughtered but was raised alive on the sky)

नुज़ूल-ए-'ईसा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • पैग़म्बर ईसा (यीशु) का आगमन होना, ये इस्लामी आस्था है कि पैग़म्बर ईसा को अंतिम समय में पुनरागमन होगा (चूँकि उनका वध नहीं हुआ था बल्कि आसमान पर जीवित उठा लिए गए थे)

نُزُولِ عِیسٰی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کا نازل ہونا، یہ اسلامی عقیدہ کہ حضرت عیسٰی کو آخری زمانے میں دوبارہ نازل کیا جائے گا (چونکہ وہ قتل نہیں ہوئے تھے بلکہ آسمان پر زندہ اٹھالیے گئے تھے)

Urdu meaning of nuzuul-e-'iisaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • hazrat i.isaa alaihi assalaam ka naazil honaa, ye islaamii aqiidaa ki hazrat i.isaa.ii ko aaKhirii zamaane me.n dubaara naazil kiya jaa.egaa (chuu.nki vo qatal nahii.n hu.e the balki aasmaan par zindaa uThaa li.e ge the

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the arrival of the Prophet Jesus (Jesus), it is the Islamic belief that the Prophet Jesus will return at the last time of the world (he was not slaughtered but was raised alive on the sky)

Showing search results for: English meaning of nujuleisa, English meaning of nujuleisaa

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