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Showing results for "nazm-e-mu'arra"


a poem which follows a meter but does not necessarily follow a rhyme and refrain, free verse


a poem which follows a meter but does not necessarily follow a rhyme and refrain, free verse


unrhymed or blank verse

Meaning ofSee meaning nazm-e-mu'arra in English, Hindi & Urdu


नज़्म-ए-मु'अर्राنَظْمِ مُعَرّا

Also Read As : nazm-e-mu'arra

Vazn : 22122

Tags: Poetry

English meaning of nazm-e-mu'arra

Noun, Feminine

  • a poem which follows a meter but does not necessarily follow a rhyme and refrain, free verse

نَظْمِ مُعَرّا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • (شاعری) وہ کلام موزوں جس میں قافیہ اور ردیف نہ ہو لیکن بحر ہو ، نظم کی ایک قسم ، نظم آزاد ، نظم سفید ، بے قافیہ نظم ، نظم عاری (Blank Verse) ۔

Urdu meaning of nazm-e-mu'arra

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (shaayarii) vo kalaam mauzuu.n jis me.n qaafiyaa aur radiif na ho lekin bahr ho, nazam kii ek qism, nazam aazaad, nazam safaid, be qaafiyaa nazam, nazam aarii (Blank Verse)

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a poem which follows a meter but does not necessarily follow a rhyme and refrain, free verse


a poem which follows a meter but does not necessarily follow a rhyme and refrain, free verse


unrhymed or blank verse

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