खोजे गए परिणाम

सहेजे गए शब्द

"नज़रिय्या-ए-अफ़लाक" शब्द से संबंधित परिणाम


(philosophy) famous German philosopher Kant's theory that the universe was created according to the laws of nature and that there is a mechanical discipline in nature that acts and reacts to all phenomena that have a common basis and an infinity

हिन्दी, इंग्लिश और उर्दू में नज़रिय्या-ए-अफ़लाक के अर्थदेखिए


nazariyya-e-aflaakنَظَرِیَّۂ اَفلاک

English meaning of nazariyya-e-aflaak

Noun, Masculine

  • (philosophy) famous German philosopher Kant's theory that the universe was created according to the laws of nature and that there is a mechanical discipline in nature that acts and reacts to all phenomena that have a common basis and an infinity

نَظَرِیَّۂ اَفلاک کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • (ہیئت) معروف جرمن فلسفی کانٹ کا نظریہ جس کے تحت کائنات کی تخلیق فطرت کے قوانین پر ہوئی ہے اور فطرت میں ایک میکانکی نظم و ضبط پایا جاتا ہے جس کا عمل اور ردعمل تمام مظاہر پر ہوتا ہے جو کہ ایک مشترک اساس اور ایک لامتناہی قوت کی دلیل ہے

Urdu meaning of nazariyya-e-aflaak

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (haiyat) maaruuf jarman falsafii kaanT ka nazariya jis ke tahat kaaynaat kii taKhliiq fitrat ke qavaaniin par hu.ii hai aur fitrat me.n ek miikaanikii nazam-o-zabat paaya jaataa hai jis ka amal aur radd-e-amal tamaam mazaahir par hotaa hai jo ki ek mushtark asaas aur ek laamatnaahii quvvat kii daliil hai

खोजे गए शब्द से संबंधित


(philosophy) famous German philosopher Kant's theory that the universe was created according to the laws of nature and that there is a mechanical discipline in nature that acts and reacts to all phenomena that have a common basis and an infinity

संदर्भग्रंथ सूची: रेख़्ता डिक्शनरी में उपयोग किये गये स्रोतों की सूची देखें .

सुझाव दीजिए (नज़रिय्या-ए-अफ़लाक)





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