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Showing results for "narm-o-garm"


tender, soft and hot


harsh (words),neither very hot nor very cool, the vicissitudes (of life or fortune)

narm garm honaa

غصہ ہونا ، غصہ دکھانا ، ناراض ہونا ۔

narm garm sahnaa

bear up or put up with whimsical treatment, endure, brook, put up with the hot and the cold, or the good and the bad

narm garm baat sahnaa

رک : نرم گرم اٹھانا ۔

narm-garm uThaanaa

بُری بھلی برداشت کرنا ، سخت سست سہنا

Meaning ofSee meaning narm-o-garm in English, Hindi & Urdu


नर्म-ओ-गर्मنَرم و گَرم

Vazn : 2221

English meaning of narm-o-garm

Noun, Masculine

नर्म-ओ-गर्म के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

نَرم و گَرم کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • سرد و گرم ، اونچ نیچ ، نشیب و فراز ۔


  • (کنا یۃ ً) ُبرا بھلا ۔

Urdu meaning of narm-o-garm

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • sard-o-garm, u.unch niich, nasheb-o-faraaz
  • (kannaa yan) ubaraa bhala

Related searched words


tender, soft and hot


harsh (words),neither very hot nor very cool, the vicissitudes (of life or fortune)

narm garm honaa

غصہ ہونا ، غصہ دکھانا ، ناراض ہونا ۔

narm garm sahnaa

bear up or put up with whimsical treatment, endure, brook, put up with the hot and the cold, or the good and the bad

narm garm baat sahnaa

رک : نرم گرم اٹھانا ۔

narm-garm uThaanaa

بُری بھلی برداشت کرنا ، سخت سست سہنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of narmogarm

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