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Showing results for "naag-paash"


serpent-noose, a sort of noose or lasso used to entangle or seize an enemy in battle (resembling the arms of the Retiarii among the Roman gladiators


the tree rottlera tinctoria


رک : ناگ چنپا جو زیادہ مستعمل ہے ۔


a phrase that the concierge used to say when a man arrived to appear at the royal court and even when the king's ride was out

Meaning ofSee meaning naag-paash in English, Hindi & Urdu


नाग-पाशناگ پاش

Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of naag-paash

Noun, Masculine

  • serpent-noose, a sort of noose or lasso used to entangle or seize an enemy in battle (resembling the arms of the Retiarii among the Roman gladiators
  • noose (of a rope)

नाग-पाश के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • वरुण देव का एक अस्त्र जिससे वे शत्रुओं को लपेटकर उसी प्रकार बाँध लेते थे जिस प्रकार नाग या साँप किसी चीज को अपने शरीर से लपेटकर बाँध लेता है
  • रस्सी या डोरी आदि का ढाई फेरे का फंदा, नाग-बंध

ناگ پاش کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • لڑائی میں حریف کو الجھانے کا ایک پھندا، ایک ہتھیار

Urdu meaning of naag-paash

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • la.Daa.ii me.n hariif ko uljhaane ka ek phandaa, ek hathiyaar

Synonyms of naag-paash

Related searched words


serpent-noose, a sort of noose or lasso used to entangle or seize an enemy in battle (resembling the arms of the Retiarii among the Roman gladiators


the tree rottlera tinctoria


رک : ناگ چنپا جو زیادہ مستعمل ہے ۔


a phrase that the concierge used to say when a man arrived to appear at the royal court and even when the king's ride was out

Showing search results for: English meaning of naagpaash, English meaning of nagpash

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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