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Showing results for "mutafakkir"


lacking strength or power, or ability, powerless, impotent, unable (to do), weak, feeble, helpless


helpless and woman


humility, meekness, submissiveness


like helpless


flattery, sycophancy

'aajiz aanaa

feel utterly helpless

'aajiz honaa

to be helpless (against)


humbly, meekly, helplessly, modestly

'aajiz karnaa

render one powerless or helpless, worry, harass, put pressure upon


torturing to weaker


kind to the poor, one who is kind to the poor, courteous to strangers, hospitable


help, to help poor people

'aajiz aa jaanaa

to be at the end of one's tether, feel utterly helpless, have one's patience exhausted, be disappointed

'aajiz kar denaa

to harass, worry, put pressure upon, render one powerless or helpless

'aajiz kar rakhnaa

to bother for periods

'aajizii karnaa

implore, entreat, beseech, supplicate

'aajizii sab ko pyaarii hai

عجز و انکسار کو سب پسند کرتے ہیں

'aajizii KHudaa ko bhii pasand hai

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble


a helpless man, slave (God's)

banda 'aajiz hai

man is helpless against God's will

zubaan 'aajiz honaa

become speechless

jii se 'aajiz honaa

اپنے آپ سے ناراض ہونا ، بیزار ہونا.

jaan se 'aajiz honaa

زندگی اجیرن ہونا ، موت کا خواہشمند ہونا.

jaan se 'aajiz kar denaa

زندگی اجیرن کردینا.

Meaning ofSee meaning mutafakkir in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 1122

Word Family: f-k-r

English meaning of mutafakkir

Adjective, Masculine

Sher Examples

मुतफ़क्किर के हिंदी अर्थ

विशेषण, पुल्लिंग

  • चिंतित, ग़मगीन, उदास, शोकाकुल, चिंताकुल, संचित, किसी विशेष फ़िक्र से परेशान
  • फ़िक्रमंद, सोच में डूबा हुआ

مُتَفَکِّر کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

صفت، مذکر

  • غمگین، اُداس، مغموم
  • سوچ میں ڈوبا ہوا، تفکر میں غرق، غور و فکر میں محو، فکر مند

Urdu meaning of mutafakkir

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • Gamgiin, udaas, maGmuum
  • soch me.n Duubaa hu.a, tafakkur me.n Garq, Gaur-o-fikr me.n mahv, fikrmand

Related searched words


lacking strength or power, or ability, powerless, impotent, unable (to do), weak, feeble, helpless


helpless and woman


humility, meekness, submissiveness


like helpless


flattery, sycophancy

'aajiz aanaa

feel utterly helpless

'aajiz honaa

to be helpless (against)


humbly, meekly, helplessly, modestly

'aajiz karnaa

render one powerless or helpless, worry, harass, put pressure upon


torturing to weaker


kind to the poor, one who is kind to the poor, courteous to strangers, hospitable


help, to help poor people

'aajiz aa jaanaa

to be at the end of one's tether, feel utterly helpless, have one's patience exhausted, be disappointed

'aajiz kar denaa

to harass, worry, put pressure upon, render one powerless or helpless

'aajiz kar rakhnaa

to bother for periods

'aajizii karnaa

implore, entreat, beseech, supplicate

'aajizii sab ko pyaarii hai

عجز و انکسار کو سب پسند کرتے ہیں

'aajizii KHudaa ko bhii pasand hai

God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble


a helpless man, slave (God's)

banda 'aajiz hai

man is helpless against God's will

zubaan 'aajiz honaa

become speechless

jii se 'aajiz honaa

اپنے آپ سے ناراض ہونا ، بیزار ہونا.

jaan se 'aajiz honaa

زندگی اجیرن ہونا ، موت کا خواہشمند ہونا.

jaan se 'aajiz kar denaa

زندگی اجیرن کردینا.

Showing search results for: English meaning of mutafaqqir, English meaning of mutaphakkir

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