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Showing results for "mu.nh biga.Dnaa"

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

be displeased

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

the face to be soured, to be displeased, to have the taste blunted or depraved, to have a bad taste in the mouth

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

make a wry face, frown, sulk, pout, grimace

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

to make a wry face, to frown, scowl, to look sulky, to pout, to make faces, to spoil or disfigure the face (of another), to put one out of countenance, to leave a bad taste in the mouth

mu.nh kaa maza biga.Dnaa

طبیعت مکدر ہوجانا ، خفا ہونا ۔

Meaning ofSee meaning mu.nh biga.Dnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

मुँह बिगड़नाمُنھ بِگَڑنا

English meaning of mu.nh biga.Dnaa

  • be displeased
  • have a bad taste in the mouth

Urdu meaning of mu.nh biga.Dnaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

Related searched words

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

be displeased

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

the face to be soured, to be displeased, to have the taste blunted or depraved, to have a bad taste in the mouth

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

make a wry face, frown, sulk, pout, grimace

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

to make a wry face, to frown, scowl, to look sulky, to pout, to make faces, to spoil or disfigure the face (of another), to put one out of countenance, to leave a bad taste in the mouth

mu.nh kaa maza biga.Dnaa

طبیعت مکدر ہوجانا ، خفا ہونا ۔

Showing search results for: English meaning of munh bigadna, English meaning of munh bigadnaa

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mu.nh biga.Dnaa

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