खोजे गए परिणाम

सहेजे गए शब्द

"मियान-ए-अदमा" शब्द से संबंधित परिणाम


mesoderm, a germ layer that arises during gastrulation, and is present between the ectoderm, which will turn into skin and central nervous system cells, and the endoderm, which will produce the gut and the lungs

हिन्दी, इंग्लिश और उर्दू में मियान-ए-अदमा के अर्थदेखिए


miyaan-e-adamaمِیانِ اَدَمَہ

English meaning of miyaan-e-adama

Noun, Masculine

  • mesoderm, a germ layer that arises during gastrulation, and is present between the ectoderm, which will turn into skin and central nervous system cells, and the endoderm, which will produce the gut and the lungs

مِیانِ اَدَمَہ کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • (حیوانیات) کثیر خلیاتی جانور کے جنین میں درمیانی تہہ ، پرت (لاط :Mesoderm) ۔

Urdu meaning of miyaan-e-adama

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (haiv inyaat) kasiir khiliyaatii jaanvar ke janiin me.n daramyaanii tahaa, parat (laat haMesoderm)

खोजे गए शब्द से संबंधित


mesoderm, a germ layer that arises during gastrulation, and is present between the ectoderm, which will turn into skin and central nervous system cells, and the endoderm, which will produce the gut and the lungs

संदर्भग्रंथ सूची: रेख़्ता डिक्शनरी में उपयोग किये गये स्रोतों की सूची देखें .

सुझाव दीजिए (मियान-ए-अदमा)





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