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Showing results for "manzil denaa"

manzil denaa

lay down corpse for a while on the way to the graveyard, place the coffin on ground for respite while on way to graveyard, o lay down (a corpse) for a while on the way to its resting place

Meaning ofSee meaning manzil denaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

manzil denaa

मंज़िल देनाمَنْزِل دینا


English meaning of manzil denaa

  • lay down corpse for a while on the way to the graveyard, place the coffin on ground for respite while on way to graveyard, o lay down (a corpse) for a while on the way to its resting place

मंज़िल देना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • शव ले जाते समय रास्ते में थोड़ी देर के लिए रख देना, रास्ते में शव को रखना (प्रायः समाधि क्षेत्र में), शव को रास्ता में थोड़ी देर के लिए रोक लेना

مَنْزِل دینا کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu
  • جنازہ لے جاتے وقت راستے میں ذرا سی دیر کے لئے رکھ دینا، راستے میں جنازے کو ٹھہرانا (عموما ً قبرستان کے احاطے میں)، جنازے کو راستہ میں ذرا سی دیر کے لئے روک لینا

Urdu meaning of manzil denaa

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • janaaza le jaate vaqt raaste me.n zaraa sii der ke li.e rakh denaa, raaste me.n janaaze ko Thahraanaa (umuuman qabristaan ke ahaate men), janaaze ko raasta me.n zaraa sii der ke li.e rok lenaa

Related searched words

manzil denaa

lay down corpse for a while on the way to the graveyard, place the coffin on ground for respite while on way to graveyard, o lay down (a corpse) for a while on the way to its resting place

Showing search results for: English meaning of manjil dena, English meaning of manjil denaa

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