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Showing results for "ma.ngal-vaadii"


pronouncing a benediction, wishing joy, expressing congratulation, felicitating, proclaiming glad tidings, speaking to the benefit of others, or concerning their welfare, one who pronounces a benediction

Meaning ofSee meaning ma.ngal-vaadii in English, Hindi & Urdu


मंगल-वादीمَنگَل وادی

Origin: Sanskrit

English meaning of ma.ngal-vaadii


  • pronouncing a benediction, wishing joy, expressing congratulation, felicitating, proclaiming glad tidings, speaking to the benefit of others, or concerning their welfare, one who pronounces a benediction

मंगल-वादी के हिंदी अर्थ


  • भलाई की प्रार्थना करने वाला, दूसरों का भला चाहने वाला, धन्यवाद देने वाला, शुभ-संदेश सुनाने वाला, दूसरों के हित में बोलने वाला या भला चाहने वाला, वह व्यक्ति जो भलाई की प्रार्थना करे, शुभ-संदेश सुनाने वाला व्यक्ति

مَنگَل وادی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu


  • دعائے خیر کرنے والا ؛ دوسروں کی خوشی چاہنے والا؛ مبارک باد دینے والا؛ خوش خبریاں سنانے والا ، دوسروں کے مفاد میں بولنے والا یا فلاح چاہنے والا ، وہ شخص جو دعائے خیر کرے ، خوش خبری سنانے والا شخص ۔

Urdu meaning of ma.ngal-vaadii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • daaye Khair karne vaala ; duusro.n kii Khushii chaahne vaala; mubaarakbaad dene vaala; Khush Khabriiyaa.n sunaane vaala, duusro.n ke mufaad me.n bolne vaala ya falaah chaahne vaala, vo shaKhs jo daaye Khair kare, KhushaKhabrii sunaane vaala shaKhs

Related searched words


pronouncing a benediction, wishing joy, expressing congratulation, felicitating, proclaiming glad tidings, speaking to the benefit of others, or concerning their welfare, one who pronounces a benediction

Showing search results for: English meaning of mangalvaadee, English meaning of mangalvaadi

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