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Showing results for "mahr baKHshnaa"


excuse, pardon, forgive, condone


deed of gift


get or have pardoned or excused

taa'viiz baKHshnaa

giving amulets, to give permission to wrote amulets

vaq'at baKHshnaa

jo.Daa baKHshnaa

faa.ida baKHshnaa

'izzat baKHshnaa

tavaanaa.ii baKHshnaa


vujuud baKHshnaa

to bring about, to incarnate, bring to existence

zindagii baKHshnaa

dhaare.n baKHshnaa

e'zaaz baKHshnaa

to honour

vus'at baKHshnaa

to expand, make elaborate

mu.nh baKHshnaa

shifaa baKHshnaa

sharf baKHshnaa

confer a dignity, grant a favour

nafa' baKHshnaa

raunaq baKHshnaa

madad baKHshnaa

ziinat baKHshnaa

duudh baKHshnaa

taraavat baKHshnaa

gunaah baKHshnaa

absolve or pardon a sin

hidaayat baKHshnaa

nuz.hat baKHshnaa

savaab baKHshnaa

granting rewards for good deeds

masarrat baKHshnaa

jii baKHshnaa

KHuun baKHshnaa

nuur bakhshnaa

aabruu baKHshnaa

confer honour, exalt

raahat baKHshnaa

to desire repose, need rest

jilaa baKHshnaa

grace (an occasion)

najaat baKHshnaa

itmiinaan baKHshnaa


neg baKHshnaa

rutba baKHshnaa

mohlat baKHshnaa

mahr baKHshnaa

to release the husband from the payment of dower, to give up a jointure

hausala baKHshnaa

pa.Dh ke baKHshnaa

recite the Holy Qur'an or prayer to convey its beneficence to someone else (esp. a dead one)

kahaa sunaa baKHshnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning mahr baKHshnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

mahr baKHshnaa

महर बख़्शनाمَہر بَخشنا


English meaning of mahr baKHshnaa

Compound Verb

  • to release the husband from the payment of dower, to give up a jointure

महर बख़्शना के हिंदी अर्थ

यौगिक क्रिया

  • पती की ज़िंदगी में या उसके मरने के बाद पत्नी का अपना महर माफ़ कर देना, वह हक़ जो पत्नी को अपने पति से प्राप्त होता है उसे माफ़ करना

مَہر بَخشنا کے اردو معانی

فعل مرکب

  • شوہر کی زندگی میں یا اس کے مرنے کے بعد بیوی کا اپنا مہر معاف کر دینا، حق زوجیت کا واجب الادا روپیہ معاف کرنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of mahr bakhshna

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