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Showing results for "kor-dilii"


being benighted

dillii me.n rah kar bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n baarah baras rah kar bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n rah kar kyaa bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n rah kar bhii bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

de dilaa kar

اچھی طرح دے کر .

dillii me.n rah kar bhaa.D hii jho.nkaa kiye

could not learn anything from able people

Dolii me.n baiTh kar uple chune ga.e hai.n

کوئی کام خلافِ اصول یا خلافِ وضع و عادت کرنے کے موقع پر بولتے ہیں


چار یا تین ركعت والی نماز میں دوسری ركعت كے بعد تشہد میں بیٹھنا .

Meaning ofSee meaning kor-dilii in English, Hindi & Urdu


कोर-दिलीکور دِلی

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 2112

English meaning of kor-dilii

Noun, Feminine

  • being benighted

कोर-दिली के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • हृदय का अंधा होना, नासमझी
  • आत्मा में ज्ञान के प्रकाश का अभाव, धर्म के प्रकाश का अभाव

کور دِلی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • کوردل ہونا، بے بصیرتی

Urdu meaning of kor-dilii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • kordil honaa, be basiirtii

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being benighted

dillii me.n rah kar bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n baarah baras rah kar bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n rah kar kyaa bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

dillii me.n rah kar bhii bhaa.D jho.nkaa

could not learn anything from able people

de dilaa kar

اچھی طرح دے کر .

dillii me.n rah kar bhaa.D hii jho.nkaa kiye

could not learn anything from able people

Dolii me.n baiTh kar uple chune ga.e hai.n

کوئی کام خلافِ اصول یا خلافِ وضع و عادت کرنے کے موقع پر بولتے ہیں


چار یا تین ركعت والی نماز میں دوسری ركعت كے بعد تشہد میں بیٹھنا .

Showing search results for: English meaning of kordilee, English meaning of kordili

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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