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Showing results for "KHazaana-e-auraaq"


the Turkish Official Papers Office, known as the Treasury Papers during the Ottoman Empire, initially consisted of two large collections of documents, the Royal Office Papers and the Chief Minister's Office Papers

Meaning ofSee meaning KHazaana-e-auraaq in English, Hindi & Urdu


ख़ज़ाना-ए-औराक़خَزانَۂ اَوراق

English meaning of KHazaana-e-auraaq

Noun, Masculine

  • archives
  • the Turkish Official Papers Office, known as the Treasury Papers during the Ottoman Empire, initially consisted of two large collections of documents, the Royal Office Papers and the Chief Minister's Office Papers

خَزانَۂ اَوراق کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • جدید طرز کی شکل میں قائم کیا ہوا تُرکی کے سرکاری کاغذات کا دفتر جو سلاطینِ عثمانی کے زمانے میں خزانۂ اوراق کے نام سے موسوم تھا یہ دفتر ابتدأ میں دستاویزوں کے دو بڑے مجموعوں پر مُشتمل تھا یعنی شاہی دفتر کے کاغذات اور وزیراعلیٰ کے دفتر کے کاغذات.

Urdu meaning of KHazaana-e-auraaq

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • jadiid tarz kii shakl me.n qaayam kyaa hu.a turkii ke sarkaarii kaaGzaat ka daftar jo salaatiin-e-usmaanii ke zamaane me.n Khazaanaa-e-auraaq ke naam se mausuum tha ye daftar abatdaN me.n dastaavezo.n ke do ba.De majmuu.o.n par mushatmal tha yaanii shaahii daftar ke kaaGzaat aur vaziir-e-aalaa ke daftar ke kaaGzaat

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the Turkish Official Papers Office, known as the Treasury Papers during the Ottoman Empire, initially consisted of two large collections of documents, the Royal Office Papers and the Chief Minister's Office Papers

Showing search results for: English meaning of khajaanaeauraaq, English meaning of khajanaeauraq

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