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Showing results for "KHarbaq-e-safed"


Hellebors Albus, a tall herbaceous perennial plant with alternate, pleated leaves, its flowers are white, marked with green on the top portion of the stalk

Meaning ofSee meaning KHarbaq-e-safed in English, Hindi & Urdu


ख़रबक़-ए-सफ़ेदخَربَقِ سَفَید

English meaning of KHarbaq-e-safed

Noun, Masculine

  • Hellebors Albus, a tall herbaceous perennial plant with alternate, pleated leaves, its flowers are white, marked with green on the top portion of the stalk

خَربَقِ سَفَید کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مذکر

  • (ادویات) خربق کی جڑ جو چھوٹی سی مُستطیل مگر کسی قدر پیاز کی طرح ہوتی ہے اور کوئی بیخ خطمی اور بیخ کبر کی طرح بھی ہوتی ہے رنگ اس جڑ کا اندر سے سفید زردی مائل ہوتا ہے اس میں بہت سے باریک تار لگے ہوتے ہیں ، خربِقِ اَبیض لاط : Hellebors Albus .

Urdu meaning of KHarbaq-e-safed

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • (adviyaat) Kharbaq kii ja.D jo chhoTii sii musattiil magar kisii qadar pyaaz kii tarah hotii hai aur ko.ii biiKh Khatmii aur biiKh kibar kii tarah bhii hotii hai rang is ja.D ka andar se safaid zardii hotaa hai is me.n bahut se baariik taar lage hote hai.n, Khar bii-e-abyaz laat ha Hellebors Albus

Related searched words


Hellebors Albus, a tall herbaceous perennial plant with alternate, pleated leaves, its flowers are white, marked with green on the top portion of the stalk

Showing search results for: English meaning of kharbakesafed, English meaning of kharbaqesafed

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