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Showing results for "kenchulii"


slough or cast off skin of a snake, skin or slough (of a snake)

kenchulii chho.Dnaa

to cast or shed its skin, cast off the old slough (a snake)

kenchulii jhaa.Dnaa

cast off the old slough

kenchulii badalnaa

to change (its) skin, slough, to separate in the form of dead tissue from living tissue, shed or remove (a layer of dead skin)

kenchulii Daalnaa

to cast or shed its skin (a snake).

kenchulii utarnaa

to remove skin or slug

kenchulii utaarnaa

to removing old membranes or skins

kenchulii kaa lachkaa

a kind of flex that when it is pulled, it becomes long like a snake's slough

kenchulii men aanaa

to be about to put on new slough (a snake)

kenchulii sii utar jaanaa

easy to take off due to loosening of a attires

ke.nchulii bharnaa

۔مردار کینچلی کے جسم پر سے اُترنے کا زمانہ آنا۔ (سانپ کے لئے مستعمل ہے۔)


ان٘گیا .


a pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars, a canine tooth kii kenchulii

سانپ کی کھال کا پوست کہ جاڑے کے دِنوں میں سانپ کے بدن سے اتر جاتا ہے

Meaning ofSee meaning kenchulii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit


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English meaning of kenchulii

Noun, Feminine

  • slough or cast off skin of a snake, skin or slough (of a snake)

Sher Examples

केंचुली के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • सर्प आदि के शरीर पर की वह झिल्लीदार खोली जो प्रतिवर्ष आप-से-आप उतर जाती है, केंचुल، चोला, मस्नूई ख़ौल

کینچُلی کے اردو معانی

  • Roman
  • Urdu

اسم، مؤنث

  • وہ سفید جالی نما شفّاف جھلّی یا پوست جو سانپ کی جلد پر ہوتی ہے اور ہر سال اپنے آپ اتر جاتی ہے، کینچل چولا، مصنوعی خول

Urdu meaning of kenchulii

  • Roman
  • Urdu

  • vo safaid jaalii numaa shaffaaf jhillii ya post jo kii jald par hotii hai aur har saal apne aap utar jaatii hai, kenchul cholaa, masnuu.ii Khaul

Synonyms of kenchulii

Related searched words


slough or cast off skin of a snake, skin or slough (of a snake)

kenchulii chho.Dnaa

to cast or shed its skin, cast off the old slough (a snake)

kenchulii jhaa.Dnaa

cast off the old slough

kenchulii badalnaa

to change (its) skin, slough, to separate in the form of dead tissue from living tissue, shed or remove (a layer of dead skin)

kenchulii Daalnaa

to cast or shed its skin (a snake).

kenchulii utarnaa

to remove skin or slug

kenchulii utaarnaa

to removing old membranes or skins

kenchulii kaa lachkaa

a kind of flex that when it is pulled, it becomes long like a snake's slough

kenchulii men aanaa

to be about to put on new slough (a snake)

kenchulii sii utar jaanaa

easy to take off due to loosening of a attires

ke.nchulii bharnaa

۔مردار کینچلی کے جسم پر سے اُترنے کا زمانہ آنا۔ (سانپ کے لئے مستعمل ہے۔)


ان٘گیا .


a pointed tooth between the incisors and premolars, a canine tooth kii kenchulii

سانپ کی کھال کا پوست کہ جاڑے کے دِنوں میں سانپ کے بدن سے اتر جاتا ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of kenchulee, English meaning of kenchuli

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