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Showing results for "kaun huu.n"

kaun huu.n

mai.n kaun huu.n

kaan honaa

be careful, usually after bad experience, get a lesson

haa.n kuu.n haa.n

kaan u.De jaate hai.n

kavvaa kaan le gayaa kaan ko nahii.n dekhte kavve ke piichhe dau.De jaate hai.n

kavvaa kaan le gayaa kaan ko nahii.n dekhte kavve ke piichhe dau.De phirte hai.n

yahaa.n sab kaan paka.Dte hai.n

dar-o-diivaar kaan rakhte hai.n

diivaar ke bhii kaan hai.n

even walls have ears, it is used for saying that other people could be listening to what someone is saying, lower your voice and be careful what you say

diivaaro.n ke bhii kaan hote hai.n

walls have ear

kaan ke parde phuuTe jaate hai.n

ham kaun hai.n

aap hai.n kaun

kaan gunahgaar hai.n

kaan Telte hai.n

kaan Teke hai.n

kaun se laa'l lage hai.n

what is the peculiarity? has nothing special

kaan phaTe jaate hai.n

kaan me.n tel Daale baiThe hai.n

bhiit ke bhii kaan hote hai.n

haakim ke aa.nkh nahii.n hotii kaan hote hai.n

kaano.n kii sunii kahte hai.n aa.nkho.n kii dekhii kahte nahii.n

Meaning ofSee meaning kaun huu.n in English, Hindi & Urdu

kaun huu.n

कौन हूँکَون ہُوں

کَون ہُوں کے اردو معانی

  • کیا لگتا ہے ، کیا رشتہ ہے ، کیا تعلق ہے (واسطے ، حیثیت اور رشتہ کی حقیقت معلوم کرنے کے لیے).

Showing search results for: English meaning of kaun hoon, English meaning of kaun hun

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kaun huu.n

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